Bismarck-Henning Elementary
September 6, 2019
9/12 Support Kindergarten - wear orange
9/13 Mileage Club (lunch hours)
9/14 Community Event (BHES) - Ice Cream Social
9/18 Early Dismissal (11:30 - BHES)
9/19 Support Kindergarten - wear green
9/20 No PreK Classes, Mileage Club (lunch hours)
9/26 Support Kindergarten - wear purple
9/27 Mileage Club (lunch hours), Hat Day ($1 fee)
Hat Day
In an effort to raise money for our Parent’s Club projects, students are invited to wear a hat on Friday, September 27 for the fee of $1 payable to the classroom teacher. It’s a great fundraiser to support our efforts for - behavior incentives, AR prizes, Chromebooks, STEM projects, and more! Thank you for your support.
Homecoming Spirit Week
Monday, September 30 Risk Wear camo or other military themed attire
Tuesday, October 1 Scrabble Wear a letter on outfit - how many words can you make with friends?
Wednesday, October 2 Uno Class Color Day - K (Red), 1 (Yellow), 2(Blue), 3(Green), 4(Black)
Thursday, October 3 Guess Who? Dress as a character from the game or your favorite book
Friday, October 4 Battleship School Spirit Day! Wear blue and white to show your pride!
(2:05 dismissal)
Would you like to volunteer for events at the school? Be sure to complete a 2019-20 Volunteer Application Form. Teachers will call upon approved applicants for needs throughout the year, including STEM room, Mileage Club, classroom help, and more.
Staff Video
BHES has HIGH HOPES for an amazing school year. Be sure to like our page on Facebook and see the amazing video our staff created to kick off 2019-20. Facebook is a great resource for parents to find out information about special events and activities taking place at BHES.
Celebration & Food Policies at BHES
There will be three recognized celebrations during the school year in which parents are invited to attend. The celebrations include; a Fall Party, Valentine’s Day, and birthday celebrations (at the discretion of the classroom teacher). For all “parent invited” events, as well as ALL celebrations, we try to focus on all aspects of a celebration - activities, games, and more.
Some of our celebrations do include food. For our celebrations which include snacks/food, please follow the policies outlined: All snacks must be purchased from a store and packaged with a nutrition label on them. Without a label, we are unable to serve the snack, as we must be able to determine if the snack can be eaten by our gluten-allergy, peanut allergy, red dye allergy, diabetic, and lactose intolerant students. Questions regarding our policy may be directed to Nurse Kelly Strader by calling 217-759-7251 or by emailing