Beginning
May
6th,
will
be
implementing
changes
to
our
Bus
Rider
and
Car
Rider
lines
for
both
Arrival
and
Dismissal.
We
are
making
these
changes
with
consultation
from
our
School
Resource
Office
in
an
attempt
to
improve
safety
for
our
students.
Please
refer
to
the
written
directions
below
and
the
maps
provided
for
the
specific
changes
to
our
route
and
routines
for
student
arrival
and
dismissal.
Walk
Arrival
and
Dismissal:
-Procedures
for
walkers
crossing
the
street
with
Miss
Jane
at
arrival
and
dismissal
will
remain
unchanged.
Staff
will
continue
to
be
stationed
at
the
main
entrance
to
admit
students
at
7:50.
Car
Rider
Arrival:
-Car
riders
will
be
dropped
off
on
the
East
Side
of
the
building
along
Chicago,
where
buses
used
to
drop
off.
-Cars
should
turn
off
of
North
St
or
proceed
ahead
from
the
intersection
of
North
and
Chicago
if
traveling
south
on
Chicago.
-Cars
must
not
block
the
intersection
of
Chicago
and
North
St.
-Cars
will
be
directed
not
to
turn
and
head
north
from
Holloway
onto
Chicago.
-Before
7:50,
cars
should
avoid
blocking
entrances
to
staff
parking
lots
or
neighborhood
driveways.
-After
dropping
off
their
student,
cars
should
remain
in
line
and
not
pass
others
to
ensure
student
safety.
-Any
car
riders
arriving
after
8:10
must
check
in
with
the
office
at
the
front
entrance.
Students
arriving
after
this
time
will
be
considered
tardy
to
school.
Car
Rider
Dismissal:
-Car
riders
will
be
picked
up
on
the
East
Side
of
the
building
along
Chicago,
where
buses
used
to
pick
up
students.
-Cars
should
turn
off
of
North
St
or
proceed
ahead
from
the
intersection
of
North
and
Chicago
if
traveling
south
on
Chicago.
-Cars
must
not
block
the
intersection
of
Chicago
and
North
St.
-Cars
will
not
be
allowed
to
turn
and
head
north
from
Holloway
onto
Chicago
during
dismissal.
-Cars
will
line
up
five
to
six
at
a
time
along
Chicago
outside
of
PreK
and
the
East
Entrance,
with
cones
provided
for
guidance.
-Cars
will
be
released
in
line
order
once
all
students
are
loaded.
Cars
should
not
pull
out
of
line
unless
directed
otherwise.
-The
Parents’
Club
parking
spot
remains
unaffected,
and
winners
can
pick
up
their
students
from
the
designated
spot
in
front
of
the
building.
Bus
Rider
Arrival:
-Buses
will
unload
students
in
front
of
the
school
along
Holloway.
-Five
to
six
buses
will
unload
as
soon
as
they
arrive,
with
additional
buses
pulling
off
of
Chicago
onto
-Holloway
to
load
after
the
first
set
leaves.
-Students
will
enter
and
either
proceed
to
their
classroom
or
head
to
breakfast.
-Staff
will
be
stationed
at
the
main
entrance
to
admit
bus
riders
at
7:50.
-Bus
Rider
Dismissal:
-Buses
will
load
students
in
front
of
the
school
along
Holloway.
-Five
to
six
buses
will
be
loaded
as
soon
as
they
arrive,
with
additional
buses
pulling
off
of
-Chicago
onto
Holloway
to
load
after
the
first
set
leaves.
-Staff
serving
as
bus
line
monitors
will
walk
their
line
of
students
to
the
appropriate
bus.
PreK
Arrival
and
Dismissal:
-Cars
will
now
park
on
the
blacktop
to
the
north
of
the
PreK
classroom.
-Parents
should
wait
at
cars
with
students
until
directed
by
Mrs.
Thorlton
to
enter
or
leave.
New
Arrival
Map-
New
Dismissal
Map-