Bismarck-Hennng CUSD #1 E-Learning/Remote Learning Plan


  • E-Learning - Instruction that takes place through online platforms where computers are needed.

  • Remote Learning - Instruction that takes place with the use of packets/worksheets where computers are not needed.

E-Learning vs. Remote Learning by Level:

  • Junior High - A combination of E-LEARNING and REMOTE LEARNING will be used depending on the teacher.

  • Elementary - E-LEARNING will be used through Choice Boards.

Distribution of Materials (Packets) - Monday, March 30:

  • Hours: 8am - 3pm 

    • Please make every effort to pick up materials during this time period.  If you absolutely cannot make these times work, email your building principal.  

  • Pick-Up Locations: 

    • Elementary students – All materials are available on the school website and an email attachment was also sent to the parents last week. If you need a hard copy of the choice board (not required), there will be extra copies available in the Eagle Book Box in front of the elementary school.

    • Junior High – Pull up in front of the main doors and exit using the exit out front of the Administrative office.

    • You MUST pick-up packets at the building where your student attends school.

  • Process: 

    • Parents will pull up and stay in their cars.  Please pop the trunk or the back of the car. 

    • A staff member will ask for your student’s name, grade level, and teacher.

    • The appropriate materials will be brought and placed in the back of your car.

    • Please note that these procedures are for the safety of our staff, students, parents and community.

    • Elementary:  Choice boards will be available in the Eagle Book Box.

  • What to pick up:

    • Elementary: No need to pick up materials. All materials are available on the school website and an email attachment was also sent to the parents last week. If you need a hard copy of the choice board (not required), there will be extra copies available in the Eagle Book Box in front of the elementary school.

    • Junior High: Packets from those teachers that are not doing E- Learning.

Procedures for E-Learning and Remote Learning:

  • E-Learning and Remote Learning will begin on Monday, March 30th.

  • Content: Teachers may do some review at the beginning but E-Learning/Remote Learning will focus mainly on covering NEW content.

  • Grading:  

  • When appropriate, teachers will continue to give assessments and grade them during E-Learning/Remote Learning.  

  • Per the state, any grades taken during E-Learning/Remote Learning will NOT negatively impact a student’s overall grade.  In other words, a student can improve on their current grade during E-Learning/Remote Learning but their current grade CANNOT decrease.  

  • JH school students that need to complete a retake from before we closed will be given the opportunity to do so.  

  • Communication: If you or your child has a question about the content/learning/grading as E-Learning/Remote Learning progresses, please send an EMAIL directly to the teacher.  Good communication with teachers will be the best way to help your child.

    • Email addresses can be found on each school’s website by clicking on “STAFF.”  

    • Emails sent BEFORE 3pm will be answered the same day as soon as possible by the teacher.

    • Emails sent AFTER 3pm will likely be answered the next day.

    • Please do NOT contact the building principal unless you have already contacted the teacher and have been unable to resolve the issue.

E-Learning/Remote Learning days count as instructional days.  As a result, our last day of student attendance is still scheduled for Tuesday, May 26.