Bismarck-Henning Elementary
March 9, 2019
3/11 Yearbook Orders Due, School Board Meeting
3/12 First Grade Field Trip
3/15 Behavior Incentive Day
3/18 AR Incentive Day
3/21 Early Dismissal, PT Conferences
3/22 No School, PT Conferences
3/22 - 3/31 Spring Break
4/2 State Assessments Begin (3rd, 4th Grades)
4/4 Ag in the Classroom - TBA
4/18 BHES Science Fair
School Supplies
As we move closer to the end of our year, teacher supplies for students are starting to dwindle. If you are able to donate, we would greatly appreciate your support. Please mark items “staff” and they will be available to our teachers. Items needed include: colored pens, large scissors, scotch tape, expo markers, staples, paper clips, binder clips, and clorox type wipes. Thank you.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on March 21 and March 22. Conferences may be scheduled using our online scheduling tool or you may contact the office and staff will assist you in scheduling with your child’s teacher.
Hat Day
In an effort to raise money for our Parent’s Club projects, students are invited to wear a hat on Thursday, March 21 for the fee of $1 payable to the classroom teacher. It’s a great fundraiser to support our efforts for - behavior incentives, AR prizes, Chromebooks, STEM projects, and more! Thank you for your support.
Ready for Kindergarten?
Students who will be joining us for Kindergarten for 2019-2020 school year are invited to pick up registration packets between the dates of April 15 - April 30. Registration packets are available in the BHES office between 9:00 am - 1:30 pm. Thank you.
Last call on 2018-2019 yearbooks. Please send orders in on Monday, March 11. If you need a new order form, please send a message to your child’s teacher or stop by the BHES office.
Save the Date
Save the Date for our upcoming Science Fair which will take place on Thursday, April 18. Family fun activities are scheduled including making slime, mentos geysers, and egg drop contests. It is an affordable way to spend time together with your family. Doors will open at 5:30 pm and pizza is available.