2nd Grade enjoyed our visit from Mr. J, the Traveling Naturalist from Vermilion County Conservation District. He taught us about reptiles and amphibians in our area. He brought a skink, a small snake and a baby snapping turtle, plus we got to touch a milk snake.
almost 6 years ago, Carrie Farrell
Petting milk snake
presentation by Mr. J
snapping turtle
Gavin is putting our new interactive number line to use by determing which two whole numbers the mixed number lies between.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Petersen
Kindergarten is learning about bucket drumming this week in Mrs. Van Hyfte's music class!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte
Who turned our kinders and firsties into feline creatures? Why, of course, it was the kindergarten teachers! #DrSeussDay
almost 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
K team!
Craft time
Kindergarten and 1st grade had so much fun, eating green eggs and ham made by the teachers of grade 1! #DrSeussDay
almost 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Mixed reviews
Green eggs and ham
Chef 1 and Chef 2
It's Live Music Monday in Mrs. Van Hyfte's music room! Today, we welcomed Caleb and John from the local reggae band, Live Thru Wednesday!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte
Students are encouraged to wear orange tomorrow to celebrate the March pillar of Character Counts - Fairness.
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
Mrs. Sweeney's class are enjoying reading rotations!
almost 6 years ago, Becky Sweeney
grammar task cards
Read to Self
compare and contrast
ela centers
From Mrs. Van Hyfte's latest Live Music Monday - Dustin Danger from Oakwood's Rebelsfare Collective came and sang, inspired, and talked about his journey being a full time musician to every grade at BHES!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte
New Bad Guy books coming to BHES library.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Bryant
New books!
Reminder: Friday, March 1st, 2019 is an Early Dismissal Day! No lunch will be served. BHES @ 11:30, BHJH & BHRA @ 11:40.
almost 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Early Dismissal
Students cracked codes, simplified fractions, and ordered fractions to save the love bugs. The digital escape room was tough, but the reward at the end was worth it.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Petersen
Kindergarten made erupting volcanoes for “V” week! 🌋💛
almost 6 years ago, Amy Ellis
Mrs. Sweeney's class had a fun time doing number talks!
almost 6 years ago, Becky Sweeney
pick me!
broken calculator
Can you even say you learned about the letter V in kindergarten if you don’t make a volcano?! 🌋
almost 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Looks awesome
Tomorrow is Fuzzy Friday! That means you can wear a hat for a $1 donation to the BHES Parent's Club. Turn your dollar into your teacher tomorrow morning! Show us your hats!
almost 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Hat Day!
Even our District Curriculum Director took part in the learning! Way to go, Mrs. Carpenter!
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
It was a great day of learning at Bismarck! Our administrative team took part in a Google classroom session presented by our friends from Oakwood Grade School. The students led the presentation today and showed us how using this program can make learning engaging and meaningful for our students. A big thank you to the staff at OGS.
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
Second grade is learning different rhythms and songs with the Boomwackers in Mrs. Van Hyfte's music class!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte
2nd grade music
Second grade is learning different rhythms and songs with the Boomwackers in Mrs. Van Hyfte's music class!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte