Merry Christmas from our BHES teachers and staff.
about 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
Staff 2018
A big thank you to these wonderful BHRACHS girls. They volunteered their time to help with crafts. Amazing girls! Thank you.
about 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
First grade traveled around the world to see how Christmas is celebrated in other countries. We learned how the tradition of the Christmas tree originated in Germany. The students were able to decorate their own “sweet” tree.
about 6 years ago, Heather Meidel
Oh Christmas tree!
First grade searched all over the school as our gingerbread cookies were on the loose.
about 6 years ago, Mary McCool
Shh!! We don't want them to hear us coming.
They left us a clue. Where should we look?
Oh no! The oven is empty!
We finally found them in our room!
First grade traveled to Mexico to learn about the Christmas traditions there. Each student took a turn at breaking open our piñata, and we enjoyed the goodies inside. Feliz Navidad!
about 6 years ago, Mary McCool
Kindergarteners made some sweet Gingerbread houses with their 4th grade buddies this week! 💙
about 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Gingerbread Houses
Gingerbread Houses
Gingerbread Houses
Gingerbread Houses
Pre-K visited Bowman Estates and the Hawthorne Inn to sing holiday songs to residents. The boys and girls handed out ornaments and brought lots of smiles to their faces!
about 6 years ago, Kate Thorlton
Hawthorne Inn
Bowman Estates
Mrs. Schaumburg's Class is having fun with board game day! We are enjoying playing with our friends and learning new games.
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Schaumburg
Playing Battleship
Having fun playing Candy Land and Guess Who
Today Mrs. Schaumburg's Class is having fun with board game day! We played Candy Land, Head Banz, Uno, Monopoly Jr., Battleship, Guess Who, and more!
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Schaumburg
Playing Uno Attack
Playing Headbanz
Guess Who?
On Tuesday, Mrs. Schaumburg's class went to the Maker Space to help Santa make toys for Christmas. Our challenge was to make a 3 dimensional toy that would spin and had 4 different symbols.
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Schaumburg
Santa's elves showing off their new toys.
Santa's elves busy in the Makerspace workshop
Santa's elves busy in the Maker Space Workshop
Santa's elves busy in the Maker Space Workshop
Mrs. Powell's class made 3D ornaments with a 3D printer! #WeLoveChristmas!!
about 6 years ago, Kristi Powell
3D ornaments with our 3D printer.
we printed 3D ornaments with a 3D printer!
We printed 3D ornaments with a 3D printer!
Slime with Mrs. Miller
about 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
Mrs Miller
Slime!!! Check out Mrs. Miller’s class investigating science by making their own slime.
about 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
Slime - Mrs. Miller
In Mrs. Foster’s room, kindergartners celebrated “B Day” by playing with Beebots!
about 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Watch out!
Here he comes!
Beebot made it!
Can he make it?
In the Maker space room, Mrs. Farrell's 2nd Graders used index cards and paper clips to build towers. This went along with our Mystery Science lesson on Properties and Phases of Matter.
about 6 years ago, Carrie Farrell
Keegan and Reece
Micheal Bayleigh
Ayden E.erson
Benton and Kenslie
Kindergarten rotated classrooms to celebrate “B Day”. We had a “B Buffet” in Mrs. Ellis’s room! Mrs. Ellis read a “B” story while we ate our yummy bananas, bears, and bugles!
about 6 years ago, Amy Ellis
Some of our students enjoyed an exciting ride yesterday! Students who sold a certain number of fundraiser items were treated to a ride in a limo.
about 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
Limo - 2nd grade
Limo 3
Limo 3
First graders learned how children in other countries celebrate Christmas. We decorated and ate Yule logs in France. They are sure to bring us good luck all year.
about 6 years ago, Mary McCool
# 4
You don’t want to miss tonight’s Christmas performance. Santa and his crew will be rocking their dance moves! 6:30 pm HS Gym
about 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
First grade working together to build a bridge for the gingerbread man.
over 6 years ago, Mary McCool
Group 3
Group 1
Group 4
Group 2