Picture day is first thing tomorrow morning! Follow the link below to purchase prints, or send your cash/check/order form tomorrow!
Mrs. Petersen's class Escaping the Classroom digitally.
Our kindergarteners played with magic play doh! The white play doh magically turned colorful as they played! ☺️
First day in the Fourth Grade Good Vibe Tribe!✌️
More first day fun!
First day fun!
We are LIVE! BHCUSD & BHRA now have an app! Go to Google Play or the Apple Store and search Bismarck-Henning to download. You'll have access to events, menus, a live feed from your school's staff, and much more! Check it out!
BHES will dismiss early each day this week. We will continue to follow our dismissal plan. Car riders will be released through the main entrance. Parents, please remain in your car. If your child still rides in a car seat, it is helpful to position it behind the passenger side. Walkers are dismissed through the East doors. If you walk from your home to pick up your child to walk home with them, they are considered a walker. Our crossing guard will cross the student at the walk. Thank you for your continued support of our dismissal process.
Day 2 of teacher orientation! Love BHES
BHES staff can’t wait to show you what we worked on today during our first in-service! #kidsdeserveit #bheskidsdeserveit
Kindergarten Orientation Pictues
The staff is back! The staff of BHCUSD & BHRA reported today.
A big thank you to The Parent’s Club for help in purchasing the Class of 2031 shirts! This was such a fun way to welcome our new students! Thank you for supporting our kids!
Welcome Class of 2031! Kindergarten Orientation.
Kindergarten Open!! Kindergartners first experience on a school bus!!
Welcome new staff! Orientation today.
Kindergarten Parents: If you're coming to kindergarten orientation tomorrow night, please bring your kiddos' school supplies! They'll have an opportunity to put them in their classrooms. It will make their first day go just a little bit smoother. :)
Date to Remember! August 22 will be school pictures. Forms will go home the first day of school.
Kindergarten Open House - Tuesday 6pm. We can’t wait to meet our new students!
We will have a 4th grade parent meeting on Thursday, August 16th. This is for parents only. Please see the attached flier for more information.