BHJH Blue Devils 

September 10th

Happy Birthday Jordan King

Isla Kuemmerle 

BHJH Survey

Student Council will have a meeting in Mrs. Dale's room on Thursday, September 12th after school. Student Council members check your e-mail. 

Tonight's Activities:  BB @ Hoopeston 

    XC- @ Salt Fork 


9/12-Regionals @ Salt Fork 


Baseball Schedule

9/10-@ Hoopeston 

9/12-@ North Ridge

9/16- Vs. Salt Fork 

9/17- Vs. MMJH 


9/10-@ Salt Fork South

9/12- @ MMJH 

9/17-Vs. Schlarman @ Winter Park

9/21-Conference TBD

9/27- SJO Invite @ St Joe Sports Park

Art Club Meetings-dismiss @  3:45

September 11, October 2nd, October 9th, October 16th, October 30th

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

Indicated Change


September Breakfast

9/11-Pull Apart Donut, String Cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk

9/12-Chicken Biscuit Slider, Fruit, Juice, Milk

9/13-Nutri Grain Bar, Colby Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk 


September Lunch

9/10-Pizza Burger, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk

9/11-Tacos with the Works, Chips & Salsa, Fruit, Milk

9/12- Chicken Patty/Bun, Mixed Vegetables, Fruit, Milk

9/13- Hot Dog/Bun, Chips, Fresh Veggies, Fruit, Rice Krispy Treat, Milk


 Dates to Remember 

September 18th-Early Dismissal 11:30am

September 25th- Early Dismissal 1pm