BHJH Blue Devils
September 19th
Happy Birthday Rachel Boothe and August Linne and Vickie Smith.
TONIGHT !!! Informational Cheer Meeting, (7th/8th Graders) Thursday September 19th @ 4:30pm in the Jr. High Gym
Pre Try Out Practices September 24th & 26th, 4:30-5:30 Jr. High Gym
Tryouts October 2nd, 4:30-6:30 Jr. High Gym
If you have any questions please contact Coach Leemon @
Please make sure when carrying drinks from class to class, it needs to be in a container with a closed lid.
Booster Club Meeting, Monday September 23rd @ 6pm- Jr. High Library
See You At the Pole
Wednesday, September 25th at 7:15
Meet at the flagpole in front of the school.
SPIRIT WEEK!!! September 23rd-27th
Monday- Night before Christmas- PJ DAY
Tuesday- Tacky Tourist (Dress how you would spend your summer (Hawaiian shirts, Hawaiian Leis, Beach Hats, Visors, Fanny Packs, sunglasses, flip flops, moms on the go, BBQ Dads)
Wednesday- Spring into your Class- Grade Level Color
5th- RED
7th- BLACK
8th- PINK
Thursday- Flannels & Football (Wear your favorite jersey or cozy flannel)
Friday- BLUE BLIZZARD- Extreme school spirit-WEAR BLUE
FALL INTO GIVING BHJH Student Council Food Drive
Monday- Slim Jims, Boxed Cereal, Pudding Cups
Tuesday- Granola Bars, Mac N Cheese Individual Packs, Boxed Potatoes
Wednesday- Microwave Popcorn, Fruit Cups, Pop Tarts
Thursday- Boxed Rice, Hamburger Helper
GIrls Basketball Apparel Store :
JOIN THE DRIVE ! This September & October donate new athletic shoes ( youth & Adult size) to students in Vermilion County. Click the link for more information: New Shoe Drive Flier
Purchase your yearbook now until September 27th to lock in the lowest price. On September 28th, the price will go up to $28.00 Purchase Yearbook Link
Tonight's Activities:
Student Council Meeting
9/21-Conference TBD
9/27- SJO Invite @ St Joe Sports Park
Art Club Meetings-dismiss @ 3:45
October 2nd, October 9th, October 16th, October 30th
Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 330
September 23rd, September 30th, October 1st, October 2nd, October 3rd, October 7th, October 9th, October 17th, October 28th, October 29th
Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease
Indicated Change
9/20- Blueberry Frozen Yogurt, Goldfish Crackers, Juice, Milk
9/23-Assorted Pop Tarts, String Cheese , Fruit, Juice, Milk
9/24- Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Jelly Cup, Fruit, Juice, Milk
9/25- Warm Mini Cinnamon Roll, Colby Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk
9/26- Mini Waffle Bites with Syrup Cup, Sausage Links, Fruit, Juice, Milk
9/27- Cereal Bar, Yogurt Cup, Fruit, Juice, Milk
9/19- Chicken Alfredo, Garlic Bread, Steamed Broccoli, Fruit, Milk
9/20- Deli Sub Sandwich, Fresh Veggies/Dip, Fruit, Fig Newton, Milk
9/23- Orange Chicken, Fried Rice, Mixed Veggies, Sugar Cookie, Milk
9/24- Ravioli, Bosco Stick, Peas, Fruit, Milk
9/25- Chicken Nuggets, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk
9/26- Cheese Pizza, Green Peppers, Fruit, Milk
9/27-Mini Corn Dogs, Green Beans, Fruit, Cookie, Milk
September 25th- Early Dismissal 1pm