BHJH Blue Devils 

October  8th

Happy Birthday Slayton Kuemmerle and Alexandria Wease! 

Cheer Parent meeting , Wednesday, October 9th  at 5pm- Junior High Science Room 

BHJH Student  Survey

Student Council will meet Thursday, October 10th after school in Mrs. Dale's room. Student Council members check your e-mail. 

Softball girls need to turn in their uniforms to Mrs. West ASAP 

BHJH  Student Survey

Boys Basketball Open Gym  10/8 (MPR) -10/9-10/15 & 10/16 , Tryouts: October 21st / October 22nd 

No School Friday October 11th (Teachers Institute)  & Monday October 14th (Columbus Day)

Dentist - October 16th- Dental Information

Tonight's Activities: GBB Vs. Rossville-Alvin 

Girls Basketball

Printable Schedule

10/8-Vs. Rossville-Alvin

10/15-@ MMJH

10/16- Vs. Milford 

10/17-Vs. Westville

10/31-Vs. Heritage

11/4-@ Chrisman

11/7-Vs. Hoopeston

11/12-Vs. St. Joe

11/14-@ Salt Fork 

Art Club Meetings-dismiss @  3:45

October 9th, October 16th, October 30th

Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 330

October 9th, October 17th, October 28th, October 29th

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

Indicated Change


October Breakfast

0/9-Cinnamon Roll, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/10-Sausage, Egg & Cheese Bagel Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/11-No School 

10/14- No School

10/15-Egg & Cheese Omelet, Granola Bar, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/16-Apple Cinnamon Texas Toast, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/17-Chicken Biscuit Slider, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/18-Bagel with Cream Cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk 


October Lunch

10/8- Fiestada Pizza , Corn, Fruit, Milk

10/9-Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Green Beans, Cottage Cheese, Fruit, Milk

10/10-Grilled Cheese, Tomato Soup, Fruit, Milk 

10/11- No School 

10/15- Chicken Tenders, Peas, Fruit, Milk

10/16-Tacos with the works, Refried Beans, Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, Milk

10/17-Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Fruit, Milk

10/18-Baked Potatoes, Side Salad, Fruit, Cookie, Milk


 Dates to Remember 

October 11th- Fall Institute- No School

October 14th- Columbus Day- No School

October 18th- End of 9 weeks