BHJH Blue Devils 

October  15th

Happy Birthday Mia Ohler and Dean Walsh !!

BHJH Survey

Congratulations to Vivian Crawley who received 2nd at Sectionals, she will advance to State this Saturday. Our boys and girls teams received 6th. 

End of the first Nine weeks ends Friday October 18th.  After Friday, October 18th you are no longer allowed to wear shorts until the last nine weeks, March 10th . 

7th/8th Graders- Boys Basketball Open Gym 10/15 (3-4:30) & 10/16 , Tryouts: October 21st / October 22nd 

Dentist - October 16th- Dental Information

Tonight's Activities:   GBB @ Georgetown 

Girls Basketball

Printable Schedule

10/15-@ MMJH

10/16- Vs. Milford 

10/17-Vs. Westville

10/31-Vs. Heritage

11/4-@ Chrisman

11/7-Vs. Hoopeston

11/12-Vs. St. Joe

11/14-@ Salt Fork 

Art Club Meetings-dismiss @  3:45

October 16th, October 30th

Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 330

October 17th, October 28th, October 29th

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

Indicated Change


October Breakfast

10/15-Egg & Cheese Omelet, Granola Bar, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/16-Apple Cinnamon Texas Toast, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/17-Chicken Biscuit Slider, Fruit, Juice, Milk

10/18-Bagel with Cream Cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk 


October Lunch

10/15- Chicken Tenders, Peas, Fruit, Milk

10/16-Tacos with the works, Refried Beans, Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, Milk

10/17-Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Fruit, Milk

10/18-Baked Potatoes, Side Salad, Fruit, Cookie, Milk


 Dates to Remember 

October 18th- End of 9 weeks

October 23rd- Early Dismissal 1 pm Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm

October 24th- Early Dismissal 1 pm- Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm

October 25th -No School 

November 5th- No School Election Day 

November 13th- Early Dismissal 1 pm

November 27th-29th/ No School Thanksgiving Break