BHJH Blue Devils
October 22nd
Happy Birthday Jaice Hopkins!
Congratulations to the 8th Grade Girls Basketball team on their win over Georgetown last night. They will advance in County, playing Salt Fork on Saturday @ 11:15.
Early Dismissal (Today) Wednesday October 23rd & Thursday October 24th @ 1 pm
No School Friday October 25th
Tonight's Activities:
Girls Basketball
10/26-8th Grade vs. Salt Fork 11:15 am
10/31-Vs. Heritage
11/4-@ Chrisman
11/7-Vs. Hoopeston
11/12-Vs. St. Joe
11/14-@ Salt Fork
Art Club Meetings-dismiss @ 3:45
October 30th
Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 330
October 28th, October 29th
Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease
Indicated Change
10/24- Bacon, Egg, Cheese Biscuit Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk
10/25- No School
10/28- Cereal Bar, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk
10/29- Breakfast Burrito, Fruit, Juice, Milk
10/30-Blueberry Bread, Cheese Stick, Fruit, Juice, Milk
10/31- Waffles with Syrup, Sausage Links, Fruit, Juice, Milk
10/23- Turkey & Cheese Wrap, Fresh Vegetable & Dip, Fruit, Milk
10/24- Chicken Crispito, Peas & Carrots, Fruit, M & M Cookie, Milk
10/25- No School
10/28- Pepperoni Pizza, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk
10/29- Broccoli Cheese Soup, Breadstick, Side Salad, Fruit, Milk
10/30- Loaded Nachos, Corn, Fruit, Milk
10/31- Corn Dog, Green Beans, Fruit, Milk
October 23rd- Early Dismissal 1 pm Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm
October 24th- Early Dismissal 1 pm- Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm
October 25th -No School
November 5th- No School Election Day
November 13th- Early Dismissal 1 pm
November 27th-29th/ No School Thanksgiving Break