BHJH Blue Devils
November 4th
Happy birthday Caryss Carpenter !!
No School Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5th for Election Day!
U of I Illinois Women's Basketball permission slips due Wednesday, November 6th (Wednesday)
Blue Devil Youth Wrestling Camp November 5th-8th 6pm-8pm -Flier on the main foyer table.
Tonight's Activities: GBB @ Chrisman
Girls Basketball
11/4-@ Chrisman
11/7-Vs. Hoopeston
11/12-Vs. St. Joe
11/14-@ Salt Fork
Art Club Meetings-dismiss @ 3:45
November 6th , November 20th
December 11th, December 18th
Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 3:30
November – 7th, 11th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 25th
December – 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 12th
December 17th – Yearbook Holiday Party
Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease
Indicated Change
11/6- Cinnamon Roll, Fruit, Juice, Milk
11/7-Ham, Egg & CHeese Croissant Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk
11/8- Pigs in a Blanket, Fruit, Juice, Milk
11/4-Pork Tenderloin on a Bun, Baked Beans, Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, Milk
11/6-Taco with the Works, Mexican Rice, Corn, Fruit, Milk
11/7- Meatball Sub, Peas, Fruit, Milk
11/8- Hot Dog on Bun, Chips, Fruit, Milk
Dates to Remember :
November 5th- No School Election Day
November 13th- Early Dismissal 1 pm
November 27th-29th/ No School Thanksgiving Break
December 4th- Early Dismissal 11:30 am
December 5th- Winter Concert 6pm
December 23rd-January 5th- Winter Break
January 6th- Return to School