BHJH Blue Devils 

December 9th 


Happy Birthday Bella Ellison & Quincey LeBeane

There will be a student council meeting on Thursday, December 12 after school in Mrs. Dale's room. Members check your e-mail. 

BHJH Survey

Elevate Permission Slips are due back Wednesday, December 11th. In order to attend they will need to be eligible the week prior and the week of.  If you are not, you will stay at school to work on assignments/missing work. 

Toys for Tots donation box in the main foyer. 

Do not forget to order your BHJH yearbook!  Orders will close March 1, 2025.

Tonight's Activities:   Yearbook Meeting

Boys Basketball

Printable Schedule

12/10- @ Westville

12/12-@ Heritage

12/17- Vs. Chrisman

12/19- @ Hoopeston 

Art Club Meetings-dismiss @  3:45

December 11th, December 18th 

Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 3:30

December –  9th, 12th

December 17th – Yearbook Holiday Party

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

Indicated Change


December Breakfast

12/10- Biscuits W. Gravy, Fruit, Juice, Milk

12/11- Apple Frudel, Fruit, Juice, Milk

12/12-Ham, Egg & CHeese Croissant Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk

12/13- Muffin, Yogurt Cup, Fruit, Juice, Milk


December Lunch

12/9-Chicken Patty on Bun, Peas & Carrots, Fruit, Milk

12/10- Orange Chicken , Fried Rice, Mixed Vegetables, Fruit, Fortune Cookie, Milk

12/11- Grilled Cheese , Tomato Soup, Fruit, Milk

12/12- Walking Taco, Mexican Rice, Corn, Fruit, Milk

12/13- Chef Salad, Breadstick, Fruit, Milk


Dates to Remember : 

December 11th- Elevate Permission Slips Due

December 20th- Elevate 

December 23rd-January 5th- Winter Break

January 6th- Return to School