BHJH Blue Devils
March 5th
Student of the Month
5th-Abel Montelongo- Abel has shown positive growth this year in 5th grade. He is kind and respectful to adults and peers. Abel is always smiling and has a positive attitude at school. We are so proud of you, Abel!
6th Grade-Evie Thomas- We can always count on Evie to turn in quality work that shows the time and effort she puts in. Her participation in class has steadily increased throughout the school year. Evie can always be counted on to pay attention during her lessons and is a consistent role model to her peers. Your kindness and work ethic do not go unnoticed. We are proud of you Evie!
Thank you to Jordan Schaumburg, Aria Heden, Adalyn Lomax and Jocelyn Shelto for taking time out of their day and reading at the elementary for Reading Across America yesterday!
TODAY-Early Dismissal Wednesday, March 5th at 11:30am
Student Council meeting Thursday after school until 3:15.
Eligibility will be run every Friday!
The Student Council will be having a bake sale Monday, March 10th during lunch. All items are $1.
Track Bags belong in the locker room NOT in classrooms!
Volleyball Camp (June 2nd-6th) Informational Flyers are on the front foyer table or printable version here : Volleyball Camp
Library will be closed March 10 - 13th
Tonight's Activities:
Scholastic Bowl
3/6- Vs. Armstrong Potomac/ Chrisman
3/10-@ Salt Fork Vs. Salt Fork/Heritage
3/24-@ Westville Vs. Westville/ Georgetown
3/31- Vs. PVO (Varsity Only)
Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 3:30
Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease
Indicated Change
3/6 - Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/7 - Yogurt & Fruit Parfait, Juice, Milk
3/10-Assorted Pop-Tarts, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/11- Breakfast Pizza, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/12- Apple Frudel, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/13- Bacon, Egg & Cheese Croissant Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School
3/5 - NO Lunch Served
3/6 - Cheeseburger, French Fries, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk
3/7 - Chef Salad, Breadstick, Fruit, Milk
3/10- Taco Bites, Spanish Rice, Corn, Fruit, Milk
3/11- Biscuits & Gravy, Potato Triangle, Fruit, Fig Newton, Milk
3/12- Chicken Nuggets, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk
3/13- Pepperoni Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit, Cookie, Milk
3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School
Dates to Remember :
March 5th- Early Dismissal 11:30am
March 7th- End of 3rd Nine Weeks
March 12th/13th - Early Dismissal @ 1pm
Parent Teacher Conferences 3pm-7pm
March 14th- 21st- No School- Spring Break
March 24th- School Resumes
April 9th- Early Dismissal 1pm
April 18th- Good Friday- No School
April 23rd- Early Dismissal 11:30am
May 15- 8th Grade to Holiday World
May 20th- 8th Grade Promotion
May 20th- Last Student Attendance Day (8th Graders)
May 22nd- Last Student Attendance Day (5th-7th Graders)