BHJH Blue Devils 

March 6th 

Happy Birthday Sienna Phelps!! 

BHJH Survey

3rd Quarter ends on Friday, you may start wearing shorts again on Monday, March 10th !! 

TODAY -Student Council meeting Thursday after school until 3:15.

Eligibility will be run every Friday! 

If students have any suggestions for lunch entrees, please email Ms. Prunkard. 

The Student Council will be having a bake sale Monday, March 10th during lunch. All items are $1. 

Track Bags belong in the locker room NOT in classrooms! 

Volleyball Camp (June 2nd-6th)  Informational Flyers are on the front foyer table or printable version here : Volleyball Camp 

Library will be closed March 10 - 13th

Tonight's Activities:  

Scholastic Bowl Vs. Armstrong Potomac/ Chrisman 

Scholastic Bowl 

3/6- Vs. Armstrong Potomac/ Chrisman 

3/10-@ Salt Fork Vs. Salt Fork/Heritage

3/24-@ Westville Vs. Westville/ Georgetown 

3/31- Vs. PVO (Varsity Only) 

Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 3:30

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

Indicated Change


3/7 - Yogurt & Fruit Parfait, Juice, Milk

3/10-Assorted Pop-Tarts, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/11- Breakfast Pizza, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/12- Apple Frudel, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/13- Bacon, Egg & Cheese Croissant Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School 


3/6 - Cheeseburger, French Fries, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk

3/7 - Chef Salad, Breadstick, Fruit, Milk 

3/10- Taco Bites, Spanish Rice, Corn, Fruit, Milk

3/11- Biscuits & Gravy, Potato Triangle, Fruit, Fig Newton, Milk

3/12- Chicken Nuggets, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk 

3/13- Pepperoni Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit, Cookie, Milk

3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School 


Dates to Remember : 

March 7th- End of 3rd Nine Weeks

March 12th/13th - Early Dismissal @ 1pm

Parent Teacher Conferences 3pm-7pm

March 14th- 21st- No School- Spring Break

March 24th- School Resumes 

April 9th- Early Dismissal 1pm

April 18th- Good Friday- No School

April 23rd- Early Dismissal 11:30am

May 15- 8th Grade to Holiday World

May 20th- 8th Grade Promotion 

May 20th- Last Student Attendance Day (8th Graders)

May 22nd- Last Student Attendance Day (5th-7th Graders)