BHJH Blue Devils
March 7th
Happy Birthday Kinsley Klugow!!
Yesterday- Sienna Phelps
Friday Principal Referrals
-Ryker DieuRyker led the class in discussion when the rest of the class did not want to volunteer. He motivated his peers to participate. Mrs. Townsend
Nattalei Lopez- Nattalei is always prepared for class and takes her academics seriously and puts forth her best effort. Ms. Heidrick
Isla Kuemmerle- Isla has been working hard everyday and has been a great model for following our routine and being responsible. Mr. Click
Emerson Klett- Emerson took time out of his own work to help a classmate who was struggling and did it with kindness. Mrs. Cool
Principal Referral $5 Friday Winners- Sponsored by BHJH Booster Club
Layne Nesbitt- Layne is always very helpful during my RTI class. He is helpful towards me as well as other students. He always follows directions and tries his best. Mrs. Greene
Emma Claypool- Emma has shown kindness by helping another student get from class to class. Emma has carried not not only her materials, but other students as well. Mrs. Dale
Congratulations on the Varsity Scholastic Bowl team on their BIG wins over Armstrong-Potomac and Chrisman last night !! 330-75 against Chrisman 255-80 against Armstrong Potomac!! Way to go !!
Skating week is next week !! There is a form on Google Classroom or we will accept a handwritten note for permission. Cost is $5 for the week!
Eligibility will be run every Friday!
If students have any suggestions for lunch entrees, please email Ms. Prunkard.
The Student Council will be having a bake sale Monday, March 10th during lunch. All items are $1.
Track Bags belong in the locker room NOT in classrooms!
Volleyball Camp (June 2nd-6th) Informational Flyers are on the front foyer table or printable version here : Volleyball Camp
Library will be closed March 10 - 13th
Tonight's Activities:
Scholastic Bowl
3/10-@ Salt Fork Vs. Salt Fork/Heritage
3/24-@ Westville Vs. Westville/ Georgetown
3/31- Vs. PVO (Varsity Only)
Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 3:30
Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease
Indicated Change
3/10-Assorted Pop-Tarts, Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/11- Breakfast Pizza, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/12- Apple Frudel, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/13- Bacon, Egg & Cheese Croissant Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk
3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School
3/7 - Freshly Tossed Chef Salad, Warm buttered Breadstick, Freshly Picked Fruit, Your choice of Milk
3/10- Taco Bites, Spanish Rice, Corn, Fruit, Milk
3/11- Biscuits & Gravy, Potato Triangle, Fruit, Fig Newton, Milk
3/12- Chicken Nuggets, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk
3/13- Pepperoni Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit, Cookie, Milk
3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School
Dates to Remember :
March 12th/13th - Early Dismissal @ 1pm
Parent Teacher Conferences 3pm-7pm
March 14th- 21st- No School- Spring Break
March 24th- School Resumes
April 9th- Early Dismissal 1pm
April 18th- Good Friday- No School
April 23rd- Early Dismissal 11:30am
May 15- 8th Grade to Holiday World
May 20th- 8th Grade Promotion
May 20th- Last Student Attendance Day (8th Graders)
May 22nd- Last Student Attendance Day (5th-7th Graders)