BHJH Blue Devils 

March 11, 2025 

Happy Birthday Lanie Thomason ! 

BHJH Survey

Congratulations to JV Scholastic Bowl on their win over Heritage last night! 

8th Graders- Please check your email and fill out the survey that Mrs. Buyno sent you ! 

Chess club starts Wednesday after school in the high school library and will be done between 2:15 and 2:30. 

Early Dismissal Wednesday and Thursday @ 1pm- No School Friday!! Spring Break March 14th- 21st. Return to school Monday, March 24th 

All boys' track athletes, please fill out the track google form for the events you would like to participate in.  The link is in the track google classroom as well as linked in these announcements.  Check your school email address to find this link and submit it.

Skating week is this week !! There is a form on Google Classroom or we will accept a handwritten note for permission. Cost is $5 for the week!  

Eligibility will be run every Friday! 

If students have any suggestions for lunch entrees, please email Ms. Prunkard. 

Track Bags belong in the locker room NOT in classrooms! 

Volleyball Camp (June 2nd-6th)  Informational Flyers are on the front foyer table or printable version here : Volleyball Camp 

Library will be closed March 10 - 13th

Tonight's Activities:  

Scholastic Bowl 

3/24-@ Westville Vs. Westville/ Georgetown 

3/31- Vs. PVO (Varsity) 

Vs. NorthEast  (JV) 

Yearbook Meetings dismiss @ 3:30

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

Indicated Change


3/11- Breakfast Pizza, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/12- Apple Frudel, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/13- Bacon, Egg & Cheese Croissant Sandwich, Fruit, Juice, Milk

3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School 


3/11- Biscuits & Gravy, Potato Triangle, Fruit, Fig Newton, Milk

3/12- Chicken Nuggets, Cooked Carrots, Fruit, Milk 

3/13- Pepperoni Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit, Cookie, Milk

3/14-3/21- Spring Break- No School 


Dates to Remember : 

March 12th/13th - Early Dismissal @ 1pm

Parent Teacher Conferences 3pm-7pm

March 14th- 21st- No School- Spring Break

March 24th- School Resumes 

April 9th- Early Dismissal 1pm

April 18th- Good Friday- No School

April 23rd- Early Dismissal 11:30am

May 15- 8th Grade to Holiday World

May 20th- 8th Grade Promotion 

May 20th- Last Student Attendance Day (8th Graders)

May 22nd- Last Student Attendance Day (5th-7th Graders)