Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School Announcements Monday, October 24th, 2022
Red Ribbon Week is NEXT week! Check out these fun dress up days! Show us what you’ve got!
Monday 10/31 - “Scare Away Drugs” - Wear your Halloween Costume (No Masks!)
Tuesday 11/1 - “Red Alert” - Wear RED
Wednesday 11/2 - “Sock it to Drugs” - Crazy Sock Day
Thursday 11/3 - “Lei Off Drugs” - Hawaiian Theme
Friday 11/4 - “Put a Cap on Drugs” - Wear a Hat
Coach Miller will be hosting wrestling open mats, today & Wednesday from 5:15pm-6:30pm. Hope to see you there!
Girls basketball tryouts will be next Monday & Tuesday (10/31 & 11/1) after school until 5:30pm.
Congratulations to Josh Gernand and to the girls cross country team of Aleah Potter, Addie Hensold, Reesey Labean, Nevaeh Scott, and Maya McCool for making it onto the sectional cross country meet this coming Saturday at Dodd‘s park in Champaign. The boys team came very close and they ran really great! What a fantastic season for them winning both the county and conference! Practice tonight from 245 to 4 o’clock at the school.
Winter Sports pictures are Thursday, November 17th, 2022 at 2:30pm. Order envelopes will be sent home with athletes closer to time. You can find an example of the order form here. Orders must be turned in at the time pictures are taken. No late orders will be accepted.
Fall athletic banquet is Thursday, November 10th @ 6:30pm in the MPR.
Blue Devil Apparel on Sale Now!
Girls Basketball Apparel - Orders due Tuesday, October 25th. (Apparel will not say Bismarck-Henning, it will say Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin).
Senior pictures are due to Mrs. Stephens December 15th. Please let her know if you have any questions.
Students may not get any extra milk until everyone has been through the lunch line.
If your family eats Pringles – please send the empty tubes into Mrs. Tidwell. THANK YOU!
Advisory Period Meetings (Check in with your Advisory Period teacher first!)
10/27/22 - Student Council Meeting
12/2/22 - IL Wesleyan Admissions Rep - Counseling Lobby
Thursdays - Student Council in Mrs. Russell’s Room
Menu *indicates change* October Menu
M 10/24 - Loaded Nachos, Corn, Frozen Fruit Bar, Milk
T 10/25 - Chicken Wrap, Green Beans, Mixed Fruit, Teddy Grahams, Milk
W 10/26 - Pizza Burger/Bun, Potato Wedges, Fruit Slushie, Milk
R 10/27 - Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Chips, Apple Slices/Caramel Dip, Milk
F 10/28 - Pizza, Lettuce Salad, Breadstick, Banana, Milk
Community Service Opportunities
Athletics (BHRA 8to18 Website): ROSTERS
Fall Athletic Schedules - *All schedules are subject to change*
Monday 10/24
6:00pm - Regional Volleyball - Oakwood vs Paris
Tuesday 10/25
6:00pm - Regional Volleyball - St. Joe vs TBD
7:00pm - Regional Volleyball - BHRA vs Paris
Thursday 10/27
6:00pm - Regional Volleyball - TBD
Friday 10/28
7:00pm - Playoff Game - BHRA vs Westville
Gates open at 5:45pm
Saturday 10/29
10:00am - Cross Country Sectional @ Dodd’s Park, Champaign
Announcements from Mrs. Stephens - Website
Additional Information:
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (Students may not call themselves in, it must be a parent/guardian).
Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative.
Chromebook cases, styluses, and chargers for sale in the office. Styluses are $30 and chargers are $35. Cases are $20 new and $10 used.
Athletic Passes on sale now. Individual $60 and Family $124 (includes all members of 1 household). Send cash or check to Jenny with a list of all members in the household if purchasing a family pass.
BHRA/BHCUSD Alert Phone Numbers
98900 - BHRA/BHCUSD Text Alert System
765-371-9870 - BHRA/BHCUSD Voice Alert System number
Download our app! It’s full of information!!!!!
Here’s What’s Coming (22-23 Dates to Remember):
11-14-22 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
12-12-22 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
01-09-23 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
02-10-23 - Pink Night vs Salt Fork
02-13-23 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
02-18-23 - Regional Math Contest
03-13-23 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
04-10-23 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
04-12-23 - SAT/PSAT10/SAT9 Testing
04-18-23 - State Math Contest
04-22-23 - Prom
05-08-23 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
05-21-23 - GRADUATION
06-12-23 - BHRA Board Meeting @ 5pm
Student Sign-In/Sign-Out (You must still check in the office before leaving).
Contact Us:
Office Staff - You can also call us at 217-759-7291. If we don’t answer, leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as we can.
Principal, Brent Rademacher -
Assistant Principal - Phil Benjamin -
Secretary - Jenny Huffman -
Clerk - Amy Jameson -
Athletic Director - Tony Foster -
School Counselor - Mendy Stephens -
School Nurse - Nurse Kelly -
Social Worker - Traci Wilt -