Freshman Orientation is Wednesday @ 6pm in the Cafeteria. If you are an incoming freshman or a new student to BHRA, make plans to join us! You'll meet our staff and be able to visit your classes. We hope to see you here!
over 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Freshman Orientation
BHRA Volleyball Apparel - ON SALE NOW! Order in the office or visit
over 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Volleyball FanCloth Page 1
Volleyball FanCloth Page 2
Volleyball FanCloth Page 3
Band camp has been marching along all week!
over 6 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Marching Blue
Marching blue seniors.
Football Apparel ON SALE NOW! Order forms available in the high school office.
over 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Football Hoodie Front
Football Hoodie Back
Football Hoodie Order Form
Football Apparel Order Form
On sale now in the high school office. Football discount cards $20/ea and Student Council shirts are 1 for $15 or 2 or more at $13/ea.
over 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Student Council Shirt
Football Discount Card
Golf begins Monday! Practice starts at 4pm at Harrison Park.
over 6 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Golf tryouts on Monday!
BHRA Cheerleaders are having a great time at cheer camp this week!
over 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
BHRA Cheerleaders
A big thanks to all the 1st-6th graders that came out to Blue Devils Basketball Camp! We hope you had a great time!
over 6 years ago, Jenny Huffman
Listening to Coach Tidwell
Great job campers!
Congratulations to our "Camper's of the Week"
A big thanks to the coaches!
BH alum wins rare opportunity! Congratulations Madeline Ford! She is headed to the U.K. on scholarship to study at the University of Sussex! Check out the article in Today’s News-Gazette.
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Way to go Madeline!
Our group at state. Their relay had their best time of the year 3:32.06. Well done guys!
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Track Stars!
Antony posing in the school where his father also experienced life in the States as an exchange student. BHRA will miss you buddy!
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Hi Antony!
Hunter, Thomas, and Wyatt are the newet members of the 100-hit group! Congratulations!
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Hit club!
Thanks for the wall art!
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Well done Paige!
Students in Foods and Nutrition classes joined forces preparing and serving a lasagna luncheon early last Friday for Teacher Appreciation Week.
almost 7 years ago, Jayne Hiatt
Sportsmanship Honors!
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
Honor English Projects
almost 7 years ago, Brent Rademacher
The students and staff had a great time dressing up for Halloween yesterday!
about 7 years ago, Scott Watson, Superintendent
Halloween 2017
Congratulations girls on another big VVC win against Armstrong last night 47-22!
about 7 years ago, Scott Watson, Superintendent
Girls basketball