Congratulations Drew Reifsteck!
Son of Michele Reifsteck and Ryan Reifsteck
Drew will be attending college to play basketball and become a teacher. He would also like to coach.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a chef
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? Greatness is achieved through being a true team leader.
Who's the biggest influence in your life? My dad
3 Things you can't live without? My phone, a ball, and my family
Any hidden talents? I can stand on my head with no hands
Which teacher has influenced you the most of made the biggest impact on you, and why? Mr. Packard. He was stern and to the point, yet showed me a way to have fun and get things done.

Congratulations to Sarah Story!
Daughter of Adam & Lisa Story
Sarah is going to DACC for 2 years. She then plans to transfer to the U of I or Purdue. While unsure of her exact major, she knows she wants to do something in the medical field.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A wedding planner
Best piece of advice you've ever received? Everyday is as good as you make it.
Who's been the biggest influence in your life? My sister Hannah.
3 things you can't live without? Sweet tea, music, family
Which teacher has influenced you the most or made the biggest impact on you, and why? Mrs. Kentner because she is always so persuasive and pushes me to never be satisfied. She has always been there to help me and has gone out of her way for me many times as a coach and a friend.

Congratulations Nathan Coan!
Son of Michael & Kristen Coan
Nathan is planning to just make money and try to have fun.
What will you miss most about high school? Socializing with peers and friends
What 5 things would you take with you during the zombie apocalypse and why? Military knife, fishing pole, frying pan, small cooler, and 1 gallon thermos bottle because I can make a projectiles easily the knife can make shelter and help cut up food. The pole will be for fishing, while getting the one gallon of water. The pan is for a clean cooking surface. The cooler will store the food and other scavenged items.

Congratulations Terron Lamm!
Son of Darren Lamm
Terron is headed to college.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mechanic
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? Bad choices always have a way to come back
3 Things you can't live without? Phone, Games, Family
What five things would you take with you during the zombie apocalypse and why? Nothing cuz it’s a zombie apocalypse
Superpower choice? Super speed

Congratulations Alexis Arnett!
Daughter of Heather Arnett & Alex Moss
Lexis is headed to college. She'd like to major in Child Care/Child Psychology
Favorite BHRA Memory? Sectionals game
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen? School might seem boring but appreciate the time you have because it flies by and you’ll miss it .
Favorite school lunch? Pizza
Which teacher has influenced you the most or made the biggest impact on you, and why? Mrs. Story. she was like a mother to me this year when I felt so alone

Congratulations Jacob Akins!
Son of Michael & Rebecca Akins
Jacob is headed to Eastern Illinois University to study Secondary Education in Mathematics. He would like to be a teacher and coach football and wrestling.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? Be able to play any position on a football field. I also am applying that to my regular life. No matter what I am doing, I should always be able to change or adapt to succeed.
Any superstitions? I’d try to replicate my uniform, warmup, or anything I would do in sports whenever I was successful. I never believed in changing any routine fearing that it would throw my game off.
Hidden talent? Solving a Rubik’s cube.
Which teacher has influenced you the most or made the biggest impact on you, and why? Mr. Head. He encouraged me and made me believe in myself by believing in me. He made me believe that I was great and meant for great things in life.
Superpower Choice? Super intelligence

Congratulations Ryley Cash!
Daughter of Tiffany & Matt Cash
Ryley is considering going to DACC this fall.
What's the best piece of advice you've received? Give 110% in everything you do.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Living at home LOL
3 Things you can't live without? My family, my dog, and chapstick
Any superstitions? Yes, I had to wear the same socks for every basketball game
Which teacher has influenced you the most or made the biggest impact on you, and why? Mrs. Royce and Mrs. Cotton because they always believed in me.

Congratulations to Cooper Watson!
Son of Scott & Kathy Watson
Cooper is headed to Illinois State University to major in Agribusiness
What is your favorite childhood memory? Hunting with my grandpa
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? Do what Coach Max means, not what he says.
5 things on your bucket list? Go on an elk hunt, go to an SEC championship football game, go to the Super Bowl, go to a Game 7 World Series game, buy a new four wheeler
Who's been the biggest influence in you life? Parents
Superpower Choice? Being able to fly

Congratulations Andrew Van Hoveln!
Son of Doug Van Hoveln and Samantha Van Hoveln
Andrew is headed to college to major in Computer Science
5 things on your bucket list? Visit Iceland, meet a celebrity, make a viral video, visit Niagra Falls, take my mom to the Bahamas
Hidden talent? I do good impersonations
Favorite school lunch? Taco Salad
Which teacher has influenced you the most or make the biggest impact on you, and why? Mr. Stoens because of his teaching style. He always has a positive outlook on life.

Congratulations Kevin Clapp!
Son of David & Lisa Clapp
Kevin is headed to Purdue to study Aerospace Engineering.
Favorite BHRA memory? State Golf Tournament
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Astronaut
Who's been the biggest influence in your life? My Dad
Advice for incoming freshmen? Do as much as you can in high school.
If you could have dinner with any 3 people, who would it be and what would be served? Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Ludwig Ahgren, and we would eat some Popeye's.

Current positions open at BHRA. Come join our amazing school! Please help us spread the word.

Congratulations to Anna Carroll!
Daughter of Alice O'Neil-Hoskins & Frank Hoskins
Anna will be attending DACC this fall.
Best piece of advice you've received? Keep moving forward. -Walt Disney
Series you binge watch? Avatar: The Last Airbender
If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what things would you do? I would go around the house and haunt my mom.

We really do!

Congratulations Sierra Bryant!
Daughter of Penny & David Bryant
Sierra is headed to Bradley University to run track and obtain a nursing degree.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Veterinarian
What will you miss most about high school? Being a teen with few responsibilities and seeing my friends everyday.
What series do you binge watch? Glee
What is your dream vacation? Australia to see the cool animals and the Great Barrier Reef
Superpower Choice? Reading people's minds

Congratulations Lexi Hudson!
Daughter of Lowell & Mary Hudson
Lexi is heading to the DACC Nursing Program.
What is your favorite childhood memory? Playing in the creek with my friends.
What will you miss most about high school? Seeing friends everyday and playing sports.
3 Things you can't live without? Makeup, My family, Cheese
Advice for incoming freshmen? Be involved and don’t be scared to make new friends with upper classmen, they are fun!
What is an unwritten rule at BHRA that everyone knows anyway. Don’t play Rascal Flatts or Nickelback in Mr. Heads room

Congratulations Jeremiah Ault!
Son of Bridget Ault and David Ault
Jeremiah will be studying Biochemistry at Bradley University.
3 things you can't live without? My bed, my mom's cooking, and sarcasm.
Who's been the biggest influence in your life? My mother
Advice for incoming freshmen? You won't know how something will go unless you try it.
Superpower choice? Time control.

Congratulations Emily Meidel!
Daughter of Mike & Heather Meidel
Emily is headed to Lincoln Land Community College this fall to play basketball and study Elementary Education.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Cake baker
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
My grandma and mom have always told me to be a blessing to others around me.
What is your biggest accomplishment so far? Scoring over 2,000 points in my basketball career
Superpower choice? I would choose to fly

The lights will be on again tonight! Plus a little extra. 8:20-8:40pm

Congratulations Jack Silver!
Son of Marty Silver and Karen Roth
Jack will attend DACC for 2 years. He then plans to transfer to the U of I for a degree in Farm Management. Jack hopes to own his own beef and horse ranch and to compete in rodeos.
What is your favorite BHRA memory? FFA
What is your biggest accomplishment so far? My biggest accomplishment is probably taking one of my horses from a hot-headed bulldogger to a level-headed, well rounded ride that’s still just as fast. I also learned valuable life, management, and horsemanship skills along the way.
Any advice for incoming freshmen? Branch out and try new things and be as involved as you can be. Don’t hesitate to join a sports team just because you think you’ll sit the bench most of the time, otherwise you’ll regret that decision.
Which teacher has influenced you the most or made the biggest impact on you, and why? Mrs. Clapp has had the biggest impact on me. She never had me in class or anything, but she’s my sister so I’d say she’s had a pretty big impact.

Congratulations to Avery McConkey!
Son of Mindy Dawson & Rob McConkey
Avery is headed to college this fall to major in Entrepreneurship.
Favorite BHRA memory? Winning the Sectional Championship in Basketball.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A super hero
5 Things on your bucket list? Visit every continent in the world, create my own clothing line, write my own book, own a yacht, and become a globally known motivational speaker
Favorite school lunch? Taco salad
What is a saying or expression that you probably say too much? "What a beast"