Good morning We are so excited to start day 167 Today is Tuesday May 17th-It is National Cherry Cobbler Day, National Graduation Tassel Day, National Idaho Day, and National Walnut Day This Friday we are going to have the highschool seniors who are graduating take a celebratory walk through our school while we cheer them on and celebrate their achievement. We will also have our last Fuzzy Friday of the year where we’ll celebrate our current fourth graders as they get ready to move onto the junior high. Lunch Today is chicken nuggets, bag of cheetos, applesauce cup, oatmeal cream pie, and milk Menu link Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that we have been eating cherries since the Stone Age? Ancient Roman soldiers used to spread cherries everywhere they went because they would throw the cherry pits on the side of road as they marched. There are over 1000 different kinds of cherries. Although cherries were already in North America when Europeans came over, the kinds we eat from stores arrived in the 1600s. The farthest record for the farthest anyone has spit a cherry pit is 93 feet. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 166 Today is Monday May 16th-It is National Barbeque Day, National Biographers Day, National Love a Tree Day, National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day, and National Sea Monkey Day Great job at the Laura K. Girton Annual Fun Run everyone. Everyone work really hard and helped raise funds for our Parents Club We have Kona Ice visiting today for students who earned it through their fundraiser participation. Lunch Today is french bread boat, cooked carrots, bananas, and milk Menu link Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that Sea Monkeys are actually a type of shrimp. They are brine shrimp that get their name because of their monkey-like tail. After ant farms became popular, Sea Monkey hatching kits began to be sold in 1957 mostly through comic book advertisements. Sea Monkeys got so famous that they took a trip into space with John Glenn in 1998 on the space shuttle Discovery. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Sea Monkey
Good morning We are so excited to start day 165 Today is Friday May 13th-It is National Apple Pie Day, National Crouton Day, and National Frog Jumping Day We are have our Annual Laura K Girton Fun Run today. Hopefully you turned your pledge sheets into your teachers. Today the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders will be running(or walking) from 9:00 to 10:30 and the 1st graders and kindergartners will be outside from 12:00 to 1:00. Lunch Today is macaroni and cheese, cheese filled breadsticks, peas, mixed fruit cup, and milk Menu link Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that over a billion pairs of running shoes are sold worldwide each year? Running while listening to music can increase your performance by 15%. The oldest person to have ever finished a marathon was 100 years old. The person actually didn’t start running until he was 89. It takes 200 muscles to take a step when you run. You will burn over 100 calories while you are running a 10 minute mile pace. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 164 Today is Thursday May 12th-It is National Limerick Day, National Nutty Fudge Day, and National Odometer Day We are planning to have our Annual Laura K Girton Run next Friday, May the 13th. We are going to send pledge sheets home for you to collect donations from family and friends. These donations will go towards supporting our Parents Club and to help them to continue to offer you treats and events throughout the school year. Lunch Today is soft taco with works, refried beans, apple slices, brownie bite, and milk Menu link Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that the first automobile was made in 1886 by Carl Benz? If you drove nonstop at 90 miles per hour and did not have to worry about breathing, it would take six months to drive to the moon. There are over 30,000 parts that make up a car. The longest traffic jam ever recorded was 109 miles long outside of Paris, France. The car company Ferrari has a special policy where they will not make more than 14 cars a day. Toyota on the other hand makes over 13,000 cars each day which makes it the largest producing of cars. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
First Car
Good morning We are so excited to start day 163 Today is Wednesday May 11th-It is National Eat What You Want Day, National Twilight Zone Day, and National School Nurses Day We are planning to have our Annual Laura K Girton Run next Friday, May the 13th. We are going to send pledge sheets home for you to collect donations from family and friends. These donations will go towards supporting our Parents Club and to help them to continue to offer you treats and events throughout the school year. Lunch Today is a chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, roll w/butter, cinnamon applesauce, and milk Menu link Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that ⅔ of the world’s rainforests are located in the Amazon Rainforest? Scientists think that the Amazon contains 2.5 million different species of insects. Half of all the animals that live in the rainforest live in the canopy. The Amazon River that runs through the rainforest is the second longest river in the world but carries the more water than any other river. The rainforest is so think that when it rains it can take ten minutes for the rain drops to make it from the top of the trees to the ground. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Attention 4th grade parents! When your student reaches 5th grade, they choose to participate in band or chorus. If your student is choosing band, then this is for you! Tonight from 6pm-8pm in the high school cafeteria, The Music Shoppe will be here with a variety of band instruments available to try out. Your interested band student will be able to play each instrument in hopes of making a choice for next year. Rental arrangements can be made on the spot if you choose to do so. This is open house style, so come visit at some point between 6 and 8. See you there.
over 2 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Dates to Remember for 22-23 Printable:
over 2 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
22-23 BH/BHRA Dates to Remember
Happy #NationalInventorsMonth! Celebrate your young innovator by registering for Camp Invention at BHES! Save $15 when you register by 5/18 using code SUM15. Save $30 on each registration for siblings with the code SIBLOVE30. Have more than two kids? Use code SIBLOVE40 to save $40. Already registered and didn't use one of the above codes? Call 1-800-968-4332 and receive a credit! Camp is for all students entering 1st-6th grade, regardless of what school they attend. We would LOVE to have you at Camp Invention! Find our location here:
over 2 years ago, Aubrey Carpenter
Hooray! We finally had a nice enough day for Mileage Club! ☀️🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️💨
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Who do you want to see covered in silly string, Ms. Kim or Mr. Click?!
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Silly String Fight
Kindergarten students spent the morning at Kennekuk learning about animals that live in Vermilion County. We learned about families of animals including deer, wild dogs, and rodent families! We also had a scavenger hunt and picnic lunch! Thank you so much to Miss Susan for teaching us and we hope you enjoy your retirement! 🌳☀️🐿
almost 3 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Custodian for first shift at BHES wanted. Please direct all questions and applications to Jim Ribbe at 217-474-0482 or
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Help Wanted Sign
Good morning We are so excited to start day 145 Today is Thursday April 14th-It is Look Up at the Sky, National Dolphin Day, National Gardening Day, National Pecan Day, and National Reach as High as You Can Day. Our Character Counts pillar for the month April is responsibility. A big step to being a responsible person is to know and recognize the things that you do and the things that you don’t do, matter and can make an impact. Reminder that we do not have school tomorrow, so we can get ready for the Easter bunny. Lunch today is Ham and Cheese sub, carrots with dip, string cheese, banana, and milk. Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that it takes the Moon 27.3 days to travel around the Earth. As the moon revolves around the Earth, the sun reflects off it in different ways causing the Moon to go through its phases. There are 8 total moon phases and because of the special relationship with earth, it takes 29 days for the Moon to go through all of them. Some of the easiest to recognize are the New Moon, Full Moon, Half Moon, and Crescents. A New Moon is when you cannot see the moon. Crescents are when you can only see a small sliver of the moon. The 4th graders studied about the Moon earlier this year, and can surely give you more information if you asked them. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
almost 3 years ago, Jenny Huffman
Good morning We are so excited to start day 145 Today is Thursday April 14th-It is Look Up at the Sky, National Dolphin Day, National Gardening Day, National Pecan Day, and National Reach as High as You Can Day. Our Character Counts pillar for the month April is responsibility. A big step to being a responsible person is to know and recognize the things that you do and the things that you don’t do, matter and can make an impact. Reminder that we do not have school tomorrow, so we can get ready for the Easter bunny. Lunch today is Ham and Cheese sub, carrots with dip, string cheese, banana, and milk. Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that it takes the Moon 27.3 days to travel around the Earth. As the moon revolves around the Earth, the sun reflects off it in different ways causing the Moon to go through its phases. There are 8 total moon phases and because of the special relationship with earth, it takes 29 days for the Moon to go through all of them. Some of the easiest to recognize are the New Moon, Full Moon, Half Moon, and Crescents. A New Moon is when you cannot see the moon. Crescents are when you can only see a small sliver of the moon. The 4th graders studied about the Moon earlier this year, and can surely give you more information if you asked them. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Moon chart
Check out this unboxing video all about what fun things we get to do at Camp Invention this year! Use code EXPLORE15 to save $15 (expires May 18)!
almost 3 years ago, Aubrey Carpenter
Good morning We are so excited to start day 144 Today is Wednesday April 13th-It is National Make it Count Day, National Peach Cobbler Day, National Scrabble Day, and National Thomas Jefferson Day Our Character Counts pillar for the month April is responsibility. Some things that show you are responsible are thinking before you talk or act, making sure to do good things, fixing your mistakes, always keep trying, and finish your work and chores before you play Lunch today is chicken nuggets, ruffles chips, mandarin oranges, and milk Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that on this day in 1743, Thomas Jefferson was born. Thomas Jeffereson was our third president of the United States. He is also well known for writing the Declaration of Independence and buying the Louisiana territory from France. Before becoming president, Jefferson was also the ambassador to France and the vice president under John Adams. Besides being a politician, Thomas Jefferson was also a lawyer, scientists, farmer, and astronomer. After retiring he moved to Monticello and then died on July 4th, 1826. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
National Thomas Jefferson Day
Good morning We are so excited to start day 143 Today is Tuesday April 12th-It is National Colorado Day, National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, National Licorice Day, National Only Child Day, and National Education and Sharing Day. Our Character Counts pillar for the month April is responsibility. Some great ways to be responsible is to take care of your supplies, clean up after yourself, make healthy choices, and always do your best Lunch today is French bread boat, sweet corn, pear cup, and milk Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that the average elementary school student needs between 9 and 11 hours of sleep every night? We often hear that people need a good 8 hours of sleep, but that’s really only for adults who are all done growing and developing. Not getting enough sleep obviously makes you more tired but can also make people cranky and clumsy. If you keep missing sleep, you will start having more trouble doing normal things throughout your day because your brain cannot concentrate on all the things your body needs. One of the biggest distractions that causes people to miss sleep is having constant access to the internet. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Sleep Duration Recommendations
2nd Shift Custodian needed asap. If you have any questions or are interested, please contact Jim Ribbe at 217-474-0482.
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Help Wanted Sign
Preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade had Fuzzy Friday today! Congratulations to our warm fuzzy winners! Mrs. Schaumburg’s class won the Colby award and Miss Latta’s class won the Chow Hall challenge!
almost 3 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Tomorrow is our Fuzzy Friday Foos Drive Day! See the flyer below for more information!
almost 3 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Food Drive