BHES's September Menu
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Personal Aide needed at BHES.
Please direct interest and questions to BHES Principal, Mr. Sean Click, at
Application Link:
BHES's August Menu is out!
Printable Version Here:
You can also find our menu on our website and our app.
McKinney-Vento Information
BHES's Homeless Liaison is Mr. Benjamin. Call him at 217-759-7291 or email him at
BHCUSD ReOpening Plan:
BHCUSD ELearning Plan:
Announcement for BHES Open House:
This year we have canceled our building-wide Open House for the Elementary School. We will still have an in-person orientation for Kindergarten. We have the following time slots for families based on last names.
Last names A through G will begin at 5:00 PM
Last names H through M will begin at 6:00 PM
Last names N through Z will begin at 7:00 PM
Students can bring their supplies to their classroom, will meet their teachers, and take a short bus ride.
Make sure to bring your student’s physical, immunization record, dental form, and vision form for Nurse Strader.
For the safety of our families and staff, please remember to wear a mask at all times inside the building. Also, please bring as few family members as possible, so we can stay under our limit of 50 people in one space at one time.
New Dates to Remember
Printable Version Here:
Reminder for anyone registering a kindergartner: Please bring a copy of your child's birth certificate to the office for the school to keep on file.
Kindergarten and Pre-K: MONDAY: 8:00 – 12:00 AND 3:00 – 7:00
1st GRADE: TUESDAY: 8:00 – 12:00 AND 3:00 – 7:00
2nd GRADE: WEDNESDAY: 8:00 – 12:00 AND 3:00 – 7:00
3rd GRADE: THURSDAY: 8:00 – 12:00 AND 3:00 – 7:00
4th Grade: 8:00 – 12:00 AND 3:00 – 7:00
*You can register the whole family on the day your youngest child is scheduled to register. For example, if you have a child in 1st grade and a child in 4th grade, you can register both on Tuesday.
Online Registration is now open!
-The in-person registration times are above, but we would very much prefer that you register using the online option. If you complete the online registration, you do not need to come to school and register.
-To register online, please log in to TeacherEase and click on the link in the banner across the top of the main page.
BHES has a position open for a personal aide. For questions or to apply, please contact Mr. Sean Click at
Calling all kindergartners!! If you have an incoming kindergarten student and you were not able to make it to kindergarten screenings, please email Mrs. Carpenter at at to set up a screening time!
Attention parents of incoming kindergartners and new students:
We will be setting registration packets out for you to pick up at your convenience. These will be in the Eagle Library stand in front of the elementary school from July 27th to July 31st. Please take only the number of folders needed for your family. The hope is that the necessary forms will be filled out and completed to make your in-person process as easy as possible. Please remember for in-person registration you will need proof of residency information, payment for school fees, physical forms, and to wear a face mask when inside the building.
Calling all kindergartners!!
If you have an incoming kindergarten student and you were not able to make it to kindergarten screenings this week, please email Mrs. Carpenter at at to set up a screening time!
BHCUSD is hiring a part-time LPN nurse. Please contact Mr. Scott Watson at 217-759-7261 or if you are interested.
BHES's Registration Dates:
Kindergarten - Mon. 8/3 - 8-noon or 3pm-7pm
1st Grade - Tues. 8/4 - 8-noon or 3pm-7pm
2nd Grade - Wed. 8/5 - 8-noon or 3pm-7pm
3rd Grade - Thurs. 8/6 - 8-noon or 3-pm-7pm
4th Grade - Fri. 8/7 - 8-noon or 3pm-7pm
*If a family has multiple students to register, they can register each child on the day of their youngest child's registration. Ex) Kindergartner and 7th grader can register both on Monday Aug 3rd.**
Kindergarten-4th Grade supply lists can be found here:
Please welcome Bismarck-Henning Elementary School's new principal, Mr. Sean Click. We're so glad you're here!
BHCUSD is currently looking for 2 part-time custodians. Interested parties should contact Jim Ribbe at 217-759-7261 x1028 or
Job Posting - BHES Principal
2020-2021 BHES School Supply Lists are now available on the website.