Parents are now able to view final report cards for BHES students via Teacherease. If you have any problems accessing the information, please email or by calling the school at 217.759.7251 Thank you!
Join us for a fun Virtual Spirit Week next week!
Upload your photo from the day to the Facebook post each day for your BHES student's name to be entered into a prize drawing. A prize will be given away each day!
The Laura K. Girton Virtual Fun Run starts today! This weekend, put on your blue, purple or Fun Run T-shirt and go for a run or walk with your family to honor Mrs. Girton. Be sure to take a picture or short video and e-mail it to All BHES students that send in a picture will be put into a drawing with one boy and one girl drawn for a Laura K. Girton Fun Run Water Bottle! (Pictures must be received by Friday May 15th at noon to be entered).
Have fun!! We can't wait to see your pictures!
BHES is here until 7pm for student belongings! Please come pick up items tonight!
Hello Parents,
Due to the current shelter in place and many people’s job status changing your family may qualify for benefits from the state. Please read thru this document and at the bottom are instructions for you to follow if you wish to see if you qualify for benefits.
BHES Yearbooks are delayed. Once we have shipment from the company, we will let families who ordered a yearbook know. A few extra yearbooks have been ordered and will be available for purchase at a later date.
Thank you, Jenny, for being an outstanding volunteer with the Parent's Club organization.
From all of us at BHES, a big THANK YOU goes out to our volunteers and members of the BHES Parent's Club. We truly appreciate all of your help this year. We are thankful for such a supportive community!
Supply pickup at BHES is Wednesday for students with last names A-L. Please write your student's name on a piece of paper and place it in the passenger's window. Library books can also be returned Wednesday. Thank you!
Thank you to the Bismarck Men's Club for their recent donation to BHES Music Program. We truly appreciate your continued support.
Student Choice Boards (Round #3, Final) for May 1 - May 15.
The Laura K. Girton Fun Run IS happening this year... VIRTUALLY! See the information below.
If you'd like to order a t-shirt or tank top, visit
Laura K. Girton was a beloved teacher, principal, colleague and friend at Bismarck-Henning Elementary School for over 25 years. Laura began Mileage Club and loved encouraging the students in their quest for hitting their marathon. The Fun Run started a few years later as a way to help buy supplies for Mileage Club and do special projects at BHES including playground equipment, PE equipment, and most recently, help purchase ChromeBooks. In 2019, the Fun Run was renamed to the Laura K. Girton Fun Run to honor the amazing legacy Laura K. Girton left at BHES.
BHES has a job openng for a General Education Classroom Teacher (grades K-4) for the 2020-21 school year. Interested applicants should contact building principal, Lisa Acton, for more information. / (217) 759-7251
Week 4 Check-in: Please take a moment to check in with Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Acton.
Happening today!!
BHES Check-in Link - Please take a moment to let us know how you are doing and if there is anything we can do to help.
Our second round of Student Choice Boards (4/13-4/30) have been published onto our school website, as well as sent out to families via email through Teacherease. Student Choice Boards will also be posted in Class Dojo by your child's homeroom teacher.
An update from Angela Bush Photography:
Hello Bismarck Parents!
Thank you so much for your support and patience during this time!
All print orders have been submitted to the lab and will be available for either pickup in Danville or I can mail them to you for a flat $4.
We extended the order date to allow those who have been affected by Covid-19 more time. Since business is moving slower than normal we will expect prints to arrive early next week.
Please reach out to let me know your preference!
I will keep everyone. update on when prints arrive!
Please stay safe, take advantage of this precious time together and stay hopeful friends. No season lasts forever!
Angela Bush
We miss our students! 💙BHES
BHES Weekly Check-in for Families - Students, please click on the following link and check in with us. This is completely optional, but we would love to know how everyone is doing. We miss you!