We love the garden at BHES! 💙
almost 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
More Treehouse and Playground Engineering and Design taking place during our time in Maker Space.
almost 6 years ago, Carrie Farrell
Treehouse group
Playground group
Treehouse girls
Playground swing
Our class had fun in Maker Space with the kits for the Engineering and Design of a Playground or a Treehouse.
almost 6 years ago, Carrie Farrell
Playground girls
Treehouse Boys
Playground group
Treehouse group
We need bus drivers! We need sub bus drivers immediately with regular route opportunities for next school year. If you are interested, please contact Jim Ribbe at 217-759-7291 or jribbe@bismarck.k12.il.us.
almost 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Bus Drivers Needed
Special Education Teacher needed for the 19-20 school year.
almost 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Job Posting
Math magic with Max! He amazed our office team with his math facts!
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
"Love is an Open Door" in Mrs. Van Hyfte's music room - complete with choreography! I see some future actors and actresses in this group!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte
Mrs. Acton had a great start to her day! Reading with the principal was the reward choice of this awesome 2nd grader!
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Acton
We are getting excited for Bismarck Elementary School's Family Science Night next Thursday! Pre-k students got to test out "Ooey Gooey" slime today! We can't wait to make it with all of our families next week!
almost 6 years ago, Kate Thorlton
We are getting excited for Bismarck Elementary School's Family Science Night next Thursday! Pre-k students got to test out "Ooey Gooey" slime today! We can't wait to make it with all of our families next week!
almost 6 years ago, Kate Thorlton
Miss Dee, from the U of I Extension, visited pre-k yesterday to talk about healthy snacks. The boys and girls tried vanilla yogurt with raspberries on top. It was delicious!
almost 6 years ago, Kate Thorlton
Snack with Miss Dee
Snack with Miss Dee
Snack with Miss Dee
Snack with Miss Dee
Applications can be found at http://www.bismarck.k12.il.us/employment-opportunities--141. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Acton at 217-759-7251 or lacton@bismarck.k12.il.us.
almost 6 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Elementary School
Classroom Aide
Mrs. Van Hyfte had some awesome visitors for lunch today! Any 3rd and 4th grader who completed their 8 weeks of "Beginning to Read Music" and received a 100% on their test got to participate in a pizza party during lunchtime in the music room! Great job!
almost 6 years ago, Nicole Van Hyfte
In the Maker Space this week, kindergarten students were mixing technology sciences with reading, math, and social studies skills! Students coded our BeeBots to go to specific letters, numbers, and places on a map! You better BEElieve we had fun! 🐝
almost 6 years ago, Chelsea Foster
This week, Mrs. Schaumburg's class used an engineering and design kit to build tree houses and playgrounds in Maker Space!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Schaumburg
Sorting out the tree house pieces.
Following the Idea cards to build our tree house.
We built our tree house with a ladder, and a moveable piece to lift the bucket!
We worked together as a team to build our tree house!
This week, Mrs. Schaumburg's class used an engineering and design kit to build tree houses and playgrounds!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Schaumburg
Using the Idea cards to help us with the playground.
Trying to build a playground.
They did!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Petersen
They were the first group to complete the STEM Challenge!
Can they make the Pringles Ring?
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Petersen
Mrs. Meidel’s class hatched 10 chicks! It was so fun learning about the life cycle of a chicken and seeing it played out in real life. The students were great caretakers of the fluffy chicks.
almost 6 years ago, Heather Meidel
The boys
10 chicks!
Practicing for IAR by partner reading and playing games!
almost 6 years ago, Becky Sweeney
Quick Cups
Guess Who
Yeti in my Spaghetti
Greedy Granny