Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 109 of our school year. Today is Tuesday February 13th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. A responsible person does not play until their work is done and does not pretend to have work that they have not..
We have a 1:00 early dismissal on Tomorrow February 14th. We will also be having Valentine’s Day parties in the classroom with parents welcome to join in the fun and games. Huge thank you to our BHES Parents’ Club for organizing all the activities and goodies.
The Eastern IL Foodbank will be in town on Monday, February 26th. If you plan to attend and have never attended an EIF distribution, we encourage you to visit to pre-register. Please note, pre-registering is not required and does not reserve a spot in line. Those attending should bring boxes, bags, or carts to transport food.
11:00am-11:30am @ Andi Mae’s in Bismarck
12:00pm-12:45pm @ Christman Park (near basketball courts) in Rossville
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will continue today and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association. We already have our list of students who will be silly stinging Mrs. Foster. Remember that anyone who earns over $100 in donations will get to pie Mr. Click after our event is all wrapped up. As of this morning our school has already earned $5,600 in donations which is 76% of our $7,500 overall school goal.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Egg & Cheese Omelet
Pizza Burger
Cooked Carrots
Fun Fact
Did you know that the largest shark is the whale shark which can grow up to 60 feet long? The Greenland sharks have the longest lifespan of all sharks at 400 years. Bull sharks can survive in freshwater and have been found over 4000 miles up the Amazon!
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
We're in our second week of our Kids Heart Challenge, aiming to earn donations for the American Heart Association and spread information about keeping our heart, brain, and lungs strong, Hands-Only CPR, stroke warning signs, and stress-relief techniques.
Our school fundraising goal is $7,500, and we are already at 70% of that goal. Last year, we raised over $10,000 for the AHA, and it looks like we are well on our way to surpassing that amount this year.
Students have several extra goals they can achieve besides earning Heart Hero keychains. The first 25 students who raise $25 will get to silly string Mrs. Foster on the last day of our challenge, Friday, February 23rd. Any student who raises over $100 in donations will get to pie Mr. Click in the face (look for an official date at the end of our challenge). Additionally, any student who raises $25 or more in donations will have their name entered into a drawing for a large Avocado stuffed toy.
Keep up the great work, everyone! If your student would still like to register and begin helping this great cause, check out the flyer for information about the app and the QR code to register on the Kids Heart Challenge website.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 108 of our school year. Today is Monday February 12th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. You can practice being responsible by thinking before you act and thinking before you talk.
We have a 1:00 early dismissal on Wednesdat February 14th. We will also be having Valentine’s Day parties in the classroom with parents welcome to join in the fun and games. Huge thank you to our BHES Parents’ Club for organizing all the activities and goodies.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will continue today and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association. We already have our list of students who will be silly stinging Mrs. Foster. Remember that anyone who earns over $100 in donations will get to pie Mr. Click after our event is all wrapped up. As of this morning our school has already earned $5,250 in donations which is 70% of our $7,500 overall school goal.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Croissant
Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla
Chips & Salsa
Fun Fact
Did you know that a lion's roar can be heard from as far as five miles away, making it one of the loudest roars in the animal kingdom? A lion's roar can help establish and defend its territory, warning other lions to stay away.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 107 of our school year. Today is Friday February 9th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. You can practice being responsible by being a good example and doing your best
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will continue today and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association. We already have our list of students who will be silly stinging Mrs. Foster. Remember that anyone who earns over $100 in donations will get to pie Mr. Click after our event is all wrapped up. As of this morning our school has already earned $3,766 in donations which is 50% of our $7,500 overall school goal.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Assorted Pop-tarts
Colby Jack Cheese Cubes
Boneless Chicken Wings
Mozzerella Sticks
Mandarin Oranges
Ice Cream Sandwich
Fun Fact
Did you know that Australia has the most amount of reptiles in the world,over 750 different species!? Most species are some sort of goannas, skinks, geckos, dragon lizards, and flap-footed lizards. The largest reptile in Australia is the Saltwater Crocodile and the most popular to see is the Dragon Lizard
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 105 of our school year. Today is Wednesday February 7th
We have an early dismissal today @ 11:30
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. You can practice being responsible by using self control and self-discipline.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will continue today and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association. We already have 21 people who have earned $25 or more in donations, meaning there are only 4 more spots for people to silly string Mrs. Foster
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Cinnamon Roll Pull Apart
String Cheese
No Lunch Today
Fun Fact
Did you know that Lions are the only big cats that live in groups called prides, consisting of several related females and their young, along with a few male lions? Lionesses, the female lions, do most of the hunting for the pride and work together to take down large animals like zebras and wildebeests.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 104 of our school year. Today is Tuesday February 6th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. You can practice being responsible by persevering and always doing your best, especially when something is hard.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will continue today and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Mini Banana Bread Loaf
Goldfish Crackers
Chicken Patty on a Bun
Fun Fact
Did you know that the world’s heaviest carrot weighed over 22 pounds? Carrots are made up of 88% of water. Carrots are rich in beta carotene which your body makes into Vitamin A. Carrots also have a lot of potassium and vitamin B.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 103 of our school year. Today is Monday February 5th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. You can practice being responsible by taking care of you supplies and clean up after yourself.
Warm Fuzzy Winners for January and February will join Mr. Click at breakfast tomorrow for donuts.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin today and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Mini Pancake & Sausage Bites
BBQ Pork on a Bun
Oven Fries
Fun Fact
Did you know that Mars is named after the Roman god of war, Mars, because of its red color. Mars gets its reddish color because the iron minerals in the solil has rusted from exposure to water and air.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 102 of our school year. Today is Friday February 2nd
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Responsibility. You can practice being responsible by taking responsibility for your actions and accepting the consequences of any of your negative actions.
We have our next Fuzzy Friday event today at 1:30 for the Prek, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade students. On Tuesday, Mr. Click will take all of January and all of February’s Warm Fuzzy recipients in the cafeteria for donuts during school breakfast time.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin on February 5th and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information today about how to register and begin supporting the work of the American Heart Association.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Assorted Muffin
Colby Jack Cheese Cubes
Country Fried Steak w/ Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Mandarin Oranges
Fun Fact
Did you know that today is Grounhog’s Day? Today is a day where we rely on a groundhog seeing its shadow or not to predict when spring will begin. The most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, came out of his burrow today and did not see his shadow, which means we will have an early spring. Who would have thought that a ground hog would be such an accurate weather person?
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 100 of our school year. Today is Wednesday January 31st
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. Always remember that fair and equal are not the same. Fair is getting what each person needs to be successful. Also keep the Golden Rule in mind for treating others how you want to be treated.
We have our next Fuzzy Friday event this Friday at 1:30 for the Prek, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade students.
This weeks Social Emotional Lesson Theme will be over Self-Management and Relationship Skills.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin on February 5th and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information after our kick-off assembly on February 1st.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Breakfast Bagel Pizza
Hot Ham & Cheese
Mixed Fruit
Fun Fact
Did you that most fish do not have eyelids? FIsh do not really need eyelids since they are in water all the time which can immediately wash out anything that gets stuck in them. Oddly, fish do still sleep even though they cannot close their eyes. Sharks on the other hand, do have eyelids which help protect their eyes when they attack their prey.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 99 of our school year. Today is Tuesday January 30th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. A great way to show that you are fair is keeping in mind how your actions will impact others.
We have our next Fuzzy Friday event this Friday at 1:30 for the Prek, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade students.
This weeks Social Emotional Lesson Theme will be over Self-Management and Relationship Skills.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin on February 5th and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information after our kick-off assembly on February 1st.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Ham, Egg, & Cheese Biscuit
French Toast Sticks
Sausage Links
Fun Fact
Did you that know frogs drink water through their skin? They have a special area on their stomachs called the “drinking patch” that absorbs water into their bodies.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 98 of our school year. Today is Monday January 29th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. An idea to keep in mind with being fair is to think about teamwork and how it is a good thing that makes people play fair. As a team everyone has to do their part and to be a part of the team.
We have our next Fuzzy Friday event this Friday at 1:30 for the Prek, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade students.
This weeks Social Emotional Lesson Theme will be over Self-Management and Relationship Skills.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin on February 5th and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information after our kick-off assembly on February 1st.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Mini Waffles
Beef Stick
Fish Sticks
Mixed Fruit
Fun Fact
Did you that know that there are over 1,000 different kinds of bats in the world? Thirteen of these species are native to Illinios. Some of those bats are the Little Brown Bat, Indiana Bat, Gray Bat, and Eastern Red Bat. Six of our 13 bat species are either endangered or threatened due to things like habitat loss, cave closures, and disease.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
BHES February Menus
Camp Invention plans are underway for Bismarck-Henning! You do not need to be a Bismarck student, but you do need to be a current kindergarten-5th grade student. Use code SUM35 before 2/15 to save $35. Camp will be 4 days this summer (May 28-31) from 8:00-4:00. Go to to register!
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 96 of our school year. Today is Thursday January 25th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. When treating others fairly, it is important to be tolerant of other people’s perspectives.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin on February 5th and run through February 23. Students will bring home more specific information after our kick-off assembly on February 1st.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Glazed Donut
Colby Jack Cheese Cubes
Mashed Potatoes
Fun Fact
Did you that know that THERE'S SUCH A THING AS AN ICE VOLCANO. Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons, has another curious feature. Its southern polar region contains “cryovolcanoes” —an exotic type of geyser thats spews ice instead of magma.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 95 of our school year. Today is Wednesday January 24th
Welcome back from two days of e-learning because of icy conditions. Hopefully you all stayed safe and warm indoors and enjoyed a few more days with your family.
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. It is important to remember that fair and equal are not the same thing. Equal is everyone getting the same thing regardless of what they need and fair is people getting what is right for them as an individual.
This year’s American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge will begin on February 5th and run through February 23r. Students will bring home more specific information after our kick-off assembly on February 1st.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Mini Pancakes
Sausage Links
Turkey & Cheese Wrap
Celery & Dip
Fruit Cocktail
Fun Fact
Did you that GREENLAND'S ICE SHEET CONTAINS 10 PERCENT OF THE WORLD'S GLACIAL ICE—AND IT'S MELTING FAST.It’s the second largest ice mass on Earth after the Antarctic ice sheet, and it contains enough water to raise ocean levels by at least 20 feet. If you’re wondering, global sea levels would rise by more than 260 feet if every glacier and ice sheet on Earth melted.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 94 of our school year. Today is Tuesday January 23rd
BH CUSD# is using an e-learning day today because of the forecasted icy conditions. Due to the forecasted icy conditions for today, BH CUSD #1 will be implementing an e-learning day. Students and staff will be working at home to avoid the hazardous conditions. All students have discussed expectations with teachers and how to access learning at home in case of inclement weather.
Third and fourth-grade students will use Google Classroom on their Chromebooks for both assignments and attendance. Kindergarten, first, and second-grade students will receive a physical letter and choice board in their take-home folders, providing guidance on engaging in learning and taking attendance.
Tomorrow still counts as a student attendance day across the district, so families need to ensure they meet their teacher's expectations for being counted as present. Teachers have provided copies of activities and their expectations in take-home folders, but if there are any questions, please reach out to teachers through email or ClassDojo.
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. It is important to remember that fair and equal are not the same thing. Equal is everyone getting the same thing regardless of what they need and fair is people getting what is right for them as an individual.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Assorted Muffins
String Cheese
Lunch at home today
Fun Fact
Did you that know that there are many words for ice? The Inupiaq of Alaska have 100 names for ice, which makes sense for a people whose survival requires expert knowledge of the characteristics and behavior of frozen water in all its variations.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
BHES/BHJH/BHRA will utilize an eLearning day on Tuesday, January 23rd. Please watch for further instructions from your student's building.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 93 of our school year. Today is Monday January 22nd
BH CUSD# is using an e-learning day today because of the forecasted icy conditions. Due to the forecasted icy conditions for today, BH CUSD #1 will be implementing an e-learning day. Students and staff will be working at home to avoid the hazardous conditions. All students have discussed expectations with teachers and how to access learning at home in case of inclement weather.
Third and fourth-grade students will use Google Classroom on their Chromebooks for both assignments and attendance. Kindergarten, first, and second-grade students will receive a physical letter and choice board in their take-home folders, providing guidance on engaging in learning and taking attendance.
Tomorrow still counts as a student attendance day across the district, so families need to ensure they meet their teacher's expectations for being counted as present. Teachers have provided copies of activities and their expectations in take-home folders, but if there are any questions, please reach out to teachers through email or ClassDojo.
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. Keeping to that Golden Rule of treating others the way you want to be treated will make sure we all are treated fair and get what we need.
Thank you to the families who attended our Hot Choco and Story Time event on Friday. I speak for myself and my teachers who helped, that we all had a blast sharing some of our favorite stories with you and your children.
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Sausage, Egg, & Cheese Croissant
Lunch at home today
Fun Fact
Did you that scientists now believe that the ice resides on the floors of craters at Mercury's north pole? This part of the planet can remain permanently shaded from the Sun and reach temperatures as low as -235 degrees Farenheit.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
BHES/BHJH/BHRA will be utilizing an elearning day today, Monday, January 22nd. Please watch for instructions from your student's building.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 90 of our school year. Today is Thursday January 18th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Fairness. Fair people make sure to have an open mind and listen to others perspectives.
Tomorrow we will be holding a Hot Choco and Story Time Event at the elementary school. A team of teachers will be reading stories to kids and their families starting at 4:00 PM. We will be serving hot chocolate and cookies and looking for a enjoyable time hearing some fun and entertaining stories. We look forward to you all joining us that day!
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Mini Banana Bread Loaf
Beef Stick
Chicken Alfredo
Garlic Bread
Green Beans
Fun Fact
Did you that Astronauts Need Tortillas? Bread crumbs can be dangerous in space. They can mess with the spaceship’s equipment\ NASA packs their spacecrafts with tortillas instead of bread.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.