Good morning We are so excited to start day 84 Today is Friday January 6th- Today is National Bean Day, National Technology Day, and National Shortbread Day Our Character Counts pillar for January is Respect. To show that we are learning about Respect this month we will plan to wear Yellow on Monday.You can show respect to other people by using good manners. Taking time to say please, thank you, and you are welcome let’s people know that you respect their help and them giving you their time. Second Quarter reports cards will be sent out digitally today The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Heinrich’s class! Lunch link( Turkey & Cheese Wrap Baked Lays Carrots & Dip Apple Slices Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that a goldfish can grow to be as large as a cat? Goldfish also never close their eyes and have to sleep with them open because they do not have eyelids. Goldfish also do not have stomachs and instead everything they eat goes straight into their intestines. In some cultures giving a goldfish as a gift is a sign of friendship. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 83 Today is Thursday January 5th- Today is National Bird Day and National Whipped Cream Day Our Character Counts pillar for January is Respect. To show that we are learning about Respect this month we will plan to wear Yellow on Monday.You can show respect to other people by always being friendly to them. Being polite and respectful to those around us will help us get along and avoid conflict. Second Quarter reports cards will be sent out digitally this week The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Miss Dawson’s class! Lunch link( Hot Dog on Bun French Fries Peaches Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that Cardinals, the bird, do not migrate south for the winter? During the warmer months they eat insects, seeds, grains, and fruit but rely more on bird feeders when it gets colder. The know how to sing 24 different songs and both the male and female sing them. During the summer, cardinals can have as many as three groups of baby birds. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
BHES Yearbooks for the 2022-2023 school year are now on sale. Orders will only be able to be placed ONLINE, so please do not send any money into our office. Refer to this flyer for the website and school code to place your order through Interstate Studios. The deadline for ordering yearbooks is March 3rd. If you miss the deadline, we will be unable to get you a yearbook for this year, so please make sure you place your order as soon as possible.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Yearbook Order
Good morning We are so excited to start day 82 Today is Wednesday January 4th- Today is National Missouri Day, National Spaghetti Day and National Trivia Day Our Character Counts pillar for January is Respect. To show that we are learning about Respect this month we will plan to wear Yellow on Monday.You can show respect to other people by being a good listening. When someone is speaking to you or asking you something, it is good to practice respect by looking at them, giving them all of your attention, and responding when you are supposed to. Second Quarter reports cards will be sent out digitally this week The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Miss Latta’s class! Lunch link( BBQ Pork on Bun Sweet Corn Mandarin Oranges String Cheese Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that you about one million species of animals live in the ocean. Most of these, about 95%, are animals that do not have a backbone such as jellyfish and shrimp. The most common animal that has a backbone is the bristlemouth which is a glow in the dark fish with needle like teeth. Oceans are also the home of the largest animal that ever lived, the Blue Whale. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 81 Today is Tuesday January 3rd- Today is National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day and National Drinking Straw Day Our Character Counts pillar for January is Respect. To show that we are learning about Respect this month we will plan to wear Yellow on Monday.You can show respect to other people by being a good listening. When someone is speaking to you or asking you something, it is good to practice respect by looking at them, giving them all of your attention, and responding when you are supposed to. Remember that we have a 1:00 dismissal today. If your student has a change in their dismissal routine, please make sure you sent a note or notify the office Second Quarter reports cards will be sent out digitally this week The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. ??? class! Lunch link( Mini Corndogs Green Beans Fruit Cocktail Chocolate Fudge Cookie Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that you largest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean. This body of water covers about 30% of the entire planet and includes the point on earth known as Challenger Deep. The Pacific also includes the largest coral reef in the world and is surrounded by most of the world’s active volcanoes which make up the Ring of Fire. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Little Dribblers & Jr. Devils youth basketball sign-ups are Saturday, January 7th from 9am-11am in the BHRA Commons. Please direct any questions to Jim Ribbe at 217-474-0482. Little Dribblers: Jr. Devils:
about 2 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Jr. Devils
Little Dribblers
Good morning We are so excited to start day 79 Today is Thursday December 15th- Today is National Chocolate Covered Anything Da and National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. You can show you care by showing your gratitude. When some one helps you or does something nice for you to show they care, you can repay that by saying thank you and telling them that you appreciate them. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. ??? class! Lunch link( CHRISTMAS DINNER Chicken & Noodles Mashed Potatoes Sweet Corn Roll w/butter Cinnamon Applesauce Strawberry Poke Cake Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree and having presents underneath it started in Germany after combining the idea of a gift pyramid with a decorated “paradise tree”? This tradition included putting a star on top and lighting the tree with candles. This tradition did not catch on in the United States until the 1800s. The first artificial tress were developed in the 1930s. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 78 Today is Wednesday December 14th- Today is National Alabama Day and Monkey Day Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. You can show you care by showing your gratitude. When some one helps you or does something nice for you to show they care, you can repay that by saying thank you and telling them that you appreciate them. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. ??? class! Lunch link( Stuffed Crust Pizza Green Beans Blueberries Chocolate Chip Cookie Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that there are more than 260 species of monkeys that live across Africa, Central America, South America, and Asia? They come in all sizes from the tiny pygmy marmoset to the 80 pound mandrill. Most monkeys have long tails and walk on all fours. Monkeys are divided into two main groups, Old World and New World, with Old World coming from Africa and Asia and New World coming from the Americas Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 77 Today is Tuesday December 13th- Today is National Cocoa Day, National Violin Day, and National Guard Birthday Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. You can show you care by checking in with a friend and asking how they are doing. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Farrell’s class! Lunch link( Biscuits & Gravy Potato Coins Peaches Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animal on the planet and their legs alone are taller than most humans? Weirdly a giraffe’s neck is not long enough for it to lower and drink water from the ground, so it has to bend down to drink. The spot’s on a giraffe are like human fingerprints in that each animal has its own unique pattern. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 76 Today is Monday December 12th- Today is Gingerbread House Day and Poinsettia Day Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. You can practice showing that you care by getting a family or friend a small gift at a random time. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs.Whitt’s class! Lunch link( Chef Salad Garlic Bread Fruit Cocktail Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that you could grow a square apple or a heart shaped watermelon? These fruits are normally round in shape but if you use a special box or mold you can change how they look. If you place these fruits inside the special shaped box as they grow, they will fill the box to whatever shape it is and end up not being round anymore. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Here are BHES's dress up days for next week!🎄
about 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
The Dylan Dodd Baseball Camp registration is now open! Registration Instructions: Work with professional baseball player and BHRA Alum, Dylan Dodd this January at BHRA. 1st-4th Grade Camp will be on Jan 22 from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. 5th-8th Grade Camp will be on Jan 29 from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Student athletes from all schools are welcome! Athletes will work on the fundamentals of baseball including ground balls, fly balls, throwing mechanics, base running, hitting, and bunting. Bring gym shoes, a baseball glove, and a bat. Please pay at the door when dropping off athletes on the day of camp.
about 2 years ago, Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
Dylan Dodd Baseball Camp
Good morning We are so excited to start day 73 Today is Wednesday December 7th- Today is National Cotton Candy Day, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, and National Illinois Day Remember that we have an early dismissal at 11:30 for School Improvement Planning. Please remember to send a note if you will have changes to your going home routine. Remember that on Thursday we have our Winter Concert at 6:30 in the high school gym The next couple days that Blue Devil Santa shirt orders are coming home – if there are any issues, please email Jenny Huffman at the high school. Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. To show that you care you can be generous. Now is a great time to show your generosity with Christmas and the New Year coming. Giving donations to organizations like Toys for Tots and Bismarck Blessing The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Miller’s class! Lunch link( No Lunch Today Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: DId you know that a pearl is a precious gemstone that is made inside of mollusks such as an oyster? They are made after something like a bit of sand gets stuck inside an oyster shell and the oyster’s body starts to coat the sand to try and protect itself. These process can take 4 years to make a complete pearl that we would use on something like a necklace or a pair of earrings. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Rebecca Latta Hometown: Terre Haute, IN Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? My kindergarten teacher because of her kindness and unique way of teaching that encouraged me to not only become a teacher, but to be a better human even after I moved on from her class. What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? Spending time with my family and friends. 👨‍👩‍👧 If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? I would like to voice cartoon characters or be an archeologist. 🕵️‍♀️ What is a fun fact about you? I love to read. I played softball from the time I was 3 through college. I lived in Ireland for a little bit! 📖🥎☘ Miss Latta, your high energy and enthusiasm are so appreciated! Thank you for making kindergarten at BHES so much fun!
about 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 72 Today is Tuesday December 6th- Today is Gazpacho Day, National Microwave Oven Day, St. Nicholas Day, and World Trick Shot Day Remember that we have an early dismissal at 11:30 tomorrow for School Improvement Planning. Please remember to send a note if you will have changes to your going home routine. Remember that on Thursday we have our Winter Concert at 6:30 in the high school gym Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. Some great ways to show caring is look out for other people. If you see someone who needs a pick me up you can do something nice for them, write them a positive note, remind them you care about them, or take time to listen to them if they need it. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Schaumburg’s class! Lunch link( Meatloaf Patty Oven Fries Applesauce Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: DId you know that although some people call them koala bears they are not actually bears but marsupials? Marsupials are mammals with pouches where the young grow from a baby. Koala comes from an Aboriginal word meaning “no drink” since koalas rarely drink and get almost all of their water from the eucalyptus leaves they eat. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Charlotte Purdy Hometown: Bismarck, IL Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? Mrs. Hubner, she always challenged me to do better and to be my best. What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? I like to read and crochet. 📖🧶 If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? I would work at Andi Mae’s. 🍦🍦🍦 Mrs. Purdy, you are so appreciated at BHES. Thank you for all of the time and energy you put into your classroom!
about 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 70 Today is Friday December 2nd- Today is National Mutt Day, Special Education Day, and National Fritters Day Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. Remember on Monday we will all wear red to help show that we are learning about how to be caring all month. A very caring person practices empathy. Empathy involved taking time to fully understand what someone else is feeling or experiencing. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Heinrich’s. class! Lunch link( Corn Dog Baked Beans Apple Slices Sugar Cookie Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that we eat about 100 acres of pizza each day? That’s about 350 slices per second. Worldwide about 5 billion pizzas are sold in a year. 36% of people prefer pepperoni as their pizza topping. 94% of people in the United States eat pizza regularly as a meal. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 70 Today is Thursday December 1st- Today is Blake Kinnett Day, National Eat a Red Apple Day, National Pie Day, and National Rosa Parks. Our Character Counts pillar for December is Caring. We will plan to where red on Monday to show we are talking about caring this month. A great way to show that you care is to listen to others. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Miller’s. class! Lunch link( Loaded Nachos String Cheese Pineapple Rice Krispy Treat Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that there are about 4,000 different kinds of potatoes? Most potatoes fit into one of seven groups: russet, red, yellow, white, purple, fingerlings, and petite. The part of the potato plant that we eat is actually its roots. Potatoes do not need seeds to grow. You can actually just plant a piece of the potato we eat and it will grow into a new plant. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 68 Today is Wednesday November 30th- National Mason Jar Day, National Mississippi Day, National Personal Space Day, and Stay Home Because You Are Well Day Our Character Counts pillar for November is Citizenship. Being charitable is a great way to be a good citizen. Some great organizations to donate time and money to are the American Red Cross which helps people during emergencies, the Smithsonian Institute which saves and studies historical objects, and Habitat for Humanity which helps build homes for people who do not have one. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Miss Latta’s. class! Lunch link( Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Cottage Cheese Peaches Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that ducks are a special type of bird called a waterfowl?Their bodies make an oil that covers their feathers and help them stay waterproof while they are swimming. Ducks have webbed feet and bills. However not all ducks quack, some squeak and some do not make any noise at all. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 67 Today is Tuesday November 29th- Electronics Greetings Day and National Day of Giving Our Character Counts pillar for November is Citizenship. A good citizen makes sure to be involved in their community. This could mean volunteering, cleaning up litter, or helping a neighbor in need The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Farrell’s class! Lunch link( Fish Sticks French Fries Pineapple Confetti Cookie Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that on this day the first successful video game called Pong was released? This game was made by Atari and was a video game version of table tennis or ping pong. It began as an arcade machine that costs a quarter to play before it was turned into a game you could play at home. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
about 2 years ago, Sean Click