Good morning We are so excited to start day 47 Today is Wednesday October 26th-National Mule Day, National Pumpkin Day, and National Tennessee Day The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs Miethe’s.class! Today the Bismarck Fire Department will be presenting to students about fire safety BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( Vegetable ABC’s Soup Cheese Filled Breadstick Peaches Chocolate Pudding Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is :Did you know that a mule is a mix between a horse and a donkey? A male mule is known as a john, and a female mule is called molly. Mules are grouped into miniature, saddle, and draft mules. A pack of mules is called as a mule train. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 46 Today is Tuesday October 25th-National Greasy Food Day The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs Powell’s.class! Today BHES will be conducting ALICE training with the police department. Parents be aware that if you notice police at the school or students evacuating the building, it is part of the drill and practice the students and staff will be going through. Tomorrow the Bismarck Fire Department will be presenting to students about fire safety BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( Hot Dog on Bun Tater Tots Fruit Cocktail Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is :Did you know that bald eagles are not actually bald. The word “bald” comes from an old word that used to mean white. Bald eagles can grow to be three feet tall with an eight-wingspan. That’s the same distance that the floor is from the ceiling. Bald eagles can live up to 28 years and often times use the same nest year after year. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Carrie Farrell Hometown: Danville, IL Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? This is a difficult question for me to answer because I feel like it is like asking me to pick which child is my favorite. I have admired and appreciated all of my teachers and each one inspired me to become a teacher myself and they each influenced me. What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? I love to have family game nights with my husband, adult kids, and grandchildren. We get pretty competitive and have a lot of fun. 🎲🎴 If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? I would probably want to be a librarian because I love books, especially the feel of a brand new book. So maybe I would even enjoy working at a bookstore. 📖 What is a fun fact about you? I love being a Grammie to my four beautiful grandchildren. 👩‍👧‍👦 Mrs. Farrell, thank you for being such a kind and caring teacher to our second graders. We are so lucky to have you at BHES!
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 45 Today is Monday October 24th-National Bologna Day, National Food Day, and United Nations Dau The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Gritton’s class! Tomorrow BHES will be conducting ALICE training with the police department. Parents be aware that if you notice police at the school or students evacuating the building, it is part of the drill and practice the students and staff will be going through. BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( French Toast Sticks Sausage Links Apple Slices Milk Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is:Did you know that crocodiles are reptiles. This means that they are cold-blooded, covered in dry,scaly skin, and have a backbone. They also lays eggs in nests. Crocodiles are know as living fossils because they have been around since the dinosaurs and really have not changed much in all of that time. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Stephanie Dale Hometown: Danville, IL Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? Mrs. Clem, my 3rd grade teacher. I loved when she read to the class she could change her voice for every character! What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? My favorite activity outside of school is watching my kids play sports. ⚽🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? I knew I wanted to be a teacher since I was 8 years old, but I have also wanted to own a fitness studio. 🏋️‍♀️ What is a fun fact about you? A fun fact about me is that I am extremely double jointed and can lock my hands behind my back and bring them up over my head to the front while my hands are still clasped together. Thank you, Mrs. Dale, for the amazing work you do at BHES supporting our young readers!
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 44 Today is Thursday October 20th-National Chicken and Waffles Day and National Youth Confidence Day The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Gritton’s class! Remember that we do not have BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Today we have Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4:00 to 8:00 each night. Lunch link( Corn Dog Baked Beans Strawberries Animal Crackers Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is:Did you know that we see about 60% of the moon’s surface. This happens because both the Earth and the moon rotate on their axes at the same speed. The part that faces Earth, and that we always see, is called the ‘near side’ and the other is the ‘far side’. The side facing the sun can reach 260 degrees Fahrenheit and the side in darkness can be as cold as -280 degrees Fahrenheit. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 42 Today is Tuesday October 18th-National Chocolate Cupcake Day and National No Beard Day, The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Whitt’s class! WIXY 100.3 radio will be playing each classes recorded Pledge of Allegiance each morning. One of our classes will be represented each school morning all the way until October 19th. Parent-Teacher Sign Ups are open. Sign up at for conferences on the 19th and 20th. Tomorrow is Kindergarten color day. The color is gray, so let’s all do our best to wear gray to help our kindergarten friends practice their colors BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( Turkey & Cheese Wrap Celery/Carrots & Dip Pears Rice Krispy Treat Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that pumpkins are actually a type of fruit.? They are a member of the squash family and originally come from Central America. The word pumpkin comes from a Greek word meaning “large melon”. Additional Information: Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day). Students may not attend school if they are experiencing any of the potential COVID-19 symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, NEW ONSET of a moderate or severe headache, shortness of breath, NEW cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, NEW loss of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, and muscle or body aches from unknown cause. If the student or someone in their household is waiting on COVID-19 test results, please do NOT send them to school until results come back negative. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Kate Thorlton Hometown: Danville, IL Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? Mrs. Pifer at Edison was my favorite! She taught a 4th/5th grade split class and I had her for both grades! 😀 She was kind and enthusiastic about learning. She always came up with creative activities - like learning measurement with a watermelon seed spitting contest! 🍉 What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? Spending time with my family, watching my kids play sports, running, and baking. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦⚽🏃‍♀️🥧 If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? I would own a bakery! 🍰🧁 What is a fun fact about you? I am a vegetarian and have been since I was 13 years old! 🥗🥦🥕 Mrs. Thorlton, thank you for all you do to help our littlest learners become ready for kindergarten!
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
On October 27th, BHES will be hosting a Trunk-or-Treat organized by the Ridgeview Baptist Church. Please check out this flyer for more information. We are excited to see everyone come out for this awesome event.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Trunk or Treat
Good morning We are so excited to start day 41 Today is Monday October 17th-National Pasta Day, National Mulligan Day, and National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Miller’s class! WIXY 100.3 radio will be playing each classes recorded Pledge of Allegiance each morning. One of our classes will be represented each school morning all the way until October 19th. Parent-Teacher Sign Ups are open. Sign up at for conferences on the 19th and 20th. Picture retakes are today.-Order Online here- BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( Cheeseburger on Bun French Fries Orange Slices Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that there are about 4,700 different types of frogs. Frogs are amphibians meaning they spent parts of their lives in water and on land. Most frogs can jump up to 20 times their own body length. Frogs do not have to drink water through their mouths because they can absorb it through their skin.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
The BHRA football team greeted our students as they entered school on Friday! Students were also excited to see Mr. Abbed!! Congrats on your big win against Westville Friday night Blue Devils! 🏈💙😁
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Meet Kelsie Miethe Hometown: Danville, IL Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? Mr. Croy was funny, firm when needed to be (and our class needed it), and taught us more than academics. He had a way of challenging you that was beneficial to you both academically and spiritually. He is the teacher still involved in my life endeavors and I see him often. I feel lucky to have been a student of his. What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? Spend time with my family, read, and travel. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦📖✈ If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? If I was not teaching, I would be a lawyer. 👩‍⚖️ What is a fun fact about you? I love tarantulas. 🕷 Thank you for all you do to prepare our 4th graders for junior high, Mrs. Miethe! 😊
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 40 Today is Friday October 14th-National Real Sugar Day and National Dessert Day The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. Cameron’s class! WIXY 100.3 radio will be playing each classes recorded Pledge of Allegiance each morning. One of our classes will be represented each school morning all the way until October 19th. Parent-Teacher Sign Ups are open. Sign up at for conferences on the 19th and 20th. Picture retakes will be October 17th.-Order Online here- BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( Stuffed Crust Pizza Green Beans Blueberries Chocolate Chip Cookie Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that the first Marvel superheroes were the Human Torch and the Sub-Mariner. This version of the Human Torch was a human-like robot who could cover his whole body in flames to fight bad guys. The Sub-Mariner was a hero who lived underwater and could fly, but got weaker the longer her stayed out of water. These two were eventually joined by the more familiar Captain America and other Marvel heroes we know so well. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Good morning We are so excited to start day 38 Today is Wednesday October 12th-National Farmer’s Day, National Savings Day, National Vermont Day, National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day, National Fossil Day, and National Stop Bullying Day. The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Miss. Latta's class! Today is Black day in kindergarten. We’re all wearing black to help our kindergartners learn their colors WIXY 100.3 radio will be playing each classes recorded Pledge of Allegiance each morning. One of our classes will be represented each school morning all the way until October 19th. Parent-Teacher Sign Ups are open. Sign up at for conferences on the 19th and 20th. Picture retakes will be October 17th.-Order Online here- BHES is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat by the Ridgeview Baptist Church on October 27th from 5:30 to 7:30 Lunch link( Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Peaches Cottage Cheese Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that Pandas eat for 12 hours a day. Bamboo is not very nutritious and Pandas only digest ⅕ of what they eat, so they have to eat about 45 pounds of bamboo a day. We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Sara Warren Hometown: Danville, IL (originally Mokena, IL) Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? Mr. Coan-always had interesting stories about his personal life. What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? Swimming, sports games, watching my kids, hanging with my family. 🤿🏀⚾ If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? I would be an interior designer. 🏡 What is a fun fact about you? I am left handed! 🖐 BHES is so glad to have you , Mrs. Warren! Thank you for bringing all of your talents and passion into the classroom every day!
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 37 Today is Tuesday October 11th-National Sausage Pizza Day and International Day of the Girl Child The class that earned the Spirit Stick for best gym behavior in the morning today was Mrs. K. Douglass’s class! Remember that tomorrow is Black day in kindergarten. Let’s do our best to wear black to help the kindergartners practice their colors WIXY 100.3 radio will be playing each classes recorded Pledge of Allegiance each morning. One of our classes will be represented each school morning all the way until October 19th. Parent-Teacher Sign Ups are open. Sign up at for conferences on the 19th and 20th. Picture retakes will be October 17th.-Order Online here- Lunch link( Biscuit & Sausage Gravy Potato Coins Fruit Cocktail Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that jaguars are the largest cat species in North and South America? The grow to be 5 to 6 feet long if you don’t include their tale and over 9 feet long if you do. Jaguars can weigh up to almost 350 pounds. They are skilled predators that will hunt monkeys, deer, fish, and even caiman (which are relatives of crocodiles and alligators).
over 2 years ago, Sean Click
Meet Kathy Watson Who was one of your favorite teachers growing up and why? Mr. Elliott - my high school English teacher. He taught with enthusiasm and humor. He also had a fun nickname for every student! What is your favorite activity to do outside of school? Attending sporting events; traveling; baking; and spending time with my family. 🏀✈🎂👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 If you weren’t doing your current job, what other job would you want to do? Work for a non-for-profit agency helping others and the community…or a professional organizer. ❤ What is a fun fact about you? I attended my first concert in high school – Fleetwood Mac. My friend won front row tickets through a local radio station, and we even had a limo ride to and from the concert! 🎤 Mrs. Watson, we benefit so much from having you on staff at BHES! Thank you for all of the awesome things you do to make our school great!
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Speech Pathologist Assistant Wanted Requirements: High School Diploma/Para pro Certificate Application: Please direct all questions and applications to Mr. Scott Watson at 217-759-7261 or
over 2 years ago, Bismarck-Henning School District
Help Wanted
Last week we had our first Fuzzy Friday celebration of the year. In September, preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade attended. Next month the big kids will! At Fuzzy Friday we strive to acknowledge students who have displayed positive behaviors both independently and as a class. Students got to dance to a few songs and watch their teachers try to guess what mystery items they could not see! We had several students earn warm fuzzy awards for awesome behaviors. The class that received the Colby award for overall positive behavior was Mrs. Nixon’s class. Miss Dawson’s class earned the Spirit Stick for great behavior in the gym in the morning AND they won the Chowhall Challenge for excellent behavior in the lunch room!
over 2 years ago, Chelsea Foster
Good morning We are so excited to start day 35 Today is Wednesday October 5th-It is National Apple Betty Day, National Do Something Nice Day, National Rhode Island Day, National Walk to School Day, National Pumpkin Seed Day, and National Coffee with a Cop Day Remember that we have no school this Friday the 7th and no school on Monday the 10th. This week is Spirit Week Dress Up-Today at BHES it is hat day. Tomorrow is Pajama Day. WIXY 100.3 radio will be playing each classes recorded Pledge of Allegiance each morning. One of our classes will be represented each school morning all the way until October 19th. Parent-Teacher Sign Ups are open. Sign up at for conferences on the 19th and 20th. Picture retakes will be October 17th.-Order Online here- Lunch link( Pizza Burger Cooked Carrots Pineapple Oreo Cookies (2) Milk Parent’s Club link( Today’s fun fact is: Did you know that LEDs that we have in lightbulbs and televisions stands for light emitting diode? A normal lightbulb only changes 10% of the energy it uses into light for us to see, but an LED light uses all of the energy it gets to make light. If we ran a normal lightbulb all day everyday it would eventually burnout at about 42 days, but an LED light could run every day for up to 6 years.
over 2 years ago, Sean Click