Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 165 of our school year. Today is Friday May 10th
This month for Character Counts will will be reviewing all the pillars of good character. As a reminder the six pillars of Character Counts are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Take time to think about what behaviors you need to practice to help show that you understand those six parts of having good character.
This Friday is the annual Laura K. Girton Fun Run. We will start at 1:00 on the black top near the playground.
BHES has implemented changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Cereal Bar
String Cheese
Chicken Patty on a Bun
Green Beans
Sugar Cookie
Fun Fact
Did you know that state pets are shelter cats and dogs?
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
We wrapped up our baseball unit in PE today! ⚾️ We had stations inside and we took advantage of nice weather days and played some ball games outside! We even had a friend get creative and become a cheerleader! 🤭 #playball
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 163 of our school year. Today is Wednesday May 8th
This month for Character Counts will will be reviewing all the pillars of good character. As a reminder the six pillars of Character Counts are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Take time to think about what behaviors you need to practice to help show that you understand those six parts of having good character.
This Friday is the annual Laura K. Girton Fun Run. We will start at 1:00 on the black top near the playground.
BHES has implemented changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Breakfast Bagel Pizza
Walking Taco
Spanish Rice
Fun Fact
Did you know that walrus tusks can grow to be almost three feet long? Walruses use their tusks to break through ice, pull their body up out of the water, and to dig in the ground.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 162 of our school year. Today is Tuesday May 7th
This month for Character Counts will will be reviewing all the pillars of good character. As a reminder the six pillars of Character Counts are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Take time to think about what behaviors you need to practice to help show that you understand those six parts of having good character.
Today two students get to travel to DACC with Mr. Click to be recognized for their outstanding example as students and as students who demonstrate what we expect here at BHES. Those two students are Emma Claypool and Zaiden Merrel
BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Banana Bread
String Cheese
Bosco Stick
Green Beans
Fun Fact
Did you know that wolves raise their young in dens? These dens can be all sorts of openings in the ground such as spaces under trees and old burrows from other animals. Wolves are also diurnal which means they are mostly active during the day. Wolves also hunt in packs which require them to work as a team to catch their food.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 161 of our school year. Today is Monday May 6th
This month for Character Counts will will be reviewing all the pillars of good character. As a reminder the six pillars of Character Counts are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Take time to think about what behaviors you need to practice to help show that you understand those six parts of having good character.
BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Waffle Bites
Sausage Links
Chicken & Cheese Crispito
Fig Newton
Fun Fact
Did you know that the state wildflower is milkweed? These plants are important nectar sources for pollinators and are vital to the larval stage of the monarch butterfly. Most of them have sap that is white and milky. Milkweed plants contain cardiac glycosides. These chemicals are poisonous and affect birds and mammals.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
This is a reminder that tomorrow, May 6th, BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. We are making these changes with consultation from our School Resource Office in an attempt to improve safety for our students. Please take time to review and familiarize yourself with the written directions and the maps provided for the specific changes to our route and routines for student arrival and dismissal.
Walk Arrival and Dismissal:
-Procedures for walkers crossing the street with Miss Jane at arrival and dismissal will remain unchanged. Staff will continue to be stationed at the main entrance to admit students at 7:50.
Car Rider Arrival:
-Car riders will be dropped off on the East Side of the building along N Chicago, where buses used to drop off.
-Cars should turn off of North St or proceed ahead from the intersection of North and N Chicago if traveling south on N Chicago.
-Cars must not block the intersection of N Chicago and North St.
-Cars will be directed not to turn and head north from Holloway onto N Chicago.
-Before 7:50, cars should avoid blocking entrances to staff parking lots or neighborhood driveways.
-After dropping off their student, cars should remain in line and not pass others to ensure student safety.
-Any car riders arriving after 8:10 must check in with the office at the front entrance. Students arriving after this time will be considered tardy to school.
Car Rider Dismissal:
-Car riders will be picked up on the East Side of the building along N Chicago, where buses used to pick up students.
-Cars should turn off of North St or proceed ahead from the intersection of North and N Chicago if traveling south on N Chicago.
-Cars must not block the intersection of N Chicago and North St.
-Cars will not be allowed to turn and head north from Holloway onto N Chicago during dismissal.
-Cars will line up five to six at a time along N Chicago outside of PreK and the East Entrance, with cones provided for guidance.
-Cars will be released in line order once all students are loaded. Cars should not pull out of line unless directed otherwise.
-The Parents’ Club VIP parking spot remains unaffected, and winners can pick up their students from the designated spot in front of the building.
Bus Rider Arrival:
-Buses will unload students in front of the school along Holloway.
-Five to six buses will unload as soon as they arrive, with additional buses pulling off of S Chicago onto -Holloway to load after the first set leaves.
-Students will enter and either proceed to their classroom or head to breakfast.
-Staff will be stationed at the main entrance to admit bus riders at 7:50.
-Bus Rider Dismissal:
-Buses will load students in front of the school along Holloway.
-Five to six buses will be loaded as soon as they arrive, with additional buses pulling off of S -Chicago onto Holloway to load after the first set leaves.
-Staff serving as bus line monitors will walk their line of students to the appropriate bus.
PreK Arrival and Dismissal:
-Cars will now park on the blacktop to the north of the PreK classroom.
-Parents should wait at cars with students until directed by Mrs. Thorlton to enter or leave.
New Arrival Map-
New Dismissal Map-
It's Camp Invention month!! We can't wait to end the school year celebrating together while we build, invent, create, and learn. The code FUN15 expires on 5/15, so don't delay! Camp alumni can use the code ALUMNI35 to save $35, and siblings can use the code SIBLOV30 to save $30 off of one additional sibling and SIBLOV40 to save $40 off the cost of another sibling. If you've been waiting to sign up, please do so soon so that we can add another instructor. We are close to our next goal!
Check out the video to get a glimpse into Camp this year:
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 159 of our school year. Today is Thursday May 2nd
This month for Character Counts will will be reviewing all the pillars of good character. As a reminder the six pillars of Character Counts are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Take time to think about what behaviors you need to practice to help show that you understand those six parts of having good character.
We have our next Fuzzy Friday this Friday for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders. We will be using this time as usual to recognize Warm Fuzzy winners for those that have demonstrated outstanding character and we’ll have fun with some dancing and games.
On May 6th, BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Assorted Cereal
Chicken Nuggets
Curly Fries
Lemon Icee
Fun Fact
Did you know that the state tree is the White Oak? This is another symbol chosen by schoolchildren. In 1908 they had a choice between the oak, a maple, and an elm and they voted for the White Oak. White Oaks can grow to be over 100 feet tall and live 350 to 450 year. White oaks spread acorns which are their seeds to start new trees.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 157 of our school year. Today is Tuesday April 30th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
On May 6th, BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Bagel w/ Cream Cheese
Yogurt Cup
Macaroni & Cheese
Bosco Stick
Fun Fact
Did you know that the state reptile is the painted turtle? A painted turtle’s shell is smooth and red, yellow, and black in color. These turtles can grow to be five to seven inches long. These turtles live in ponds, ditches, lakes, and streams. Painted turtles enjoy eating plants, insects, crayfish, small fish, and amphibians.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
BHES/BHJH/BHRA Phone lines are not working this morning. Please email your building with any questions or call-ins until we get things worked out.
Beginning May 6th, BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. We are making these changes with consultation from our School Resource Office in an attempt to improve safety for our students. Please refer to the written directions below and the maps provided for the specific changes to our route and routines for student arrival and dismissal.
Walk Arrival and Dismissal:
-Procedures for walkers crossing the street with Miss Jane at arrival and dismissal will remain unchanged. Staff will continue to be stationed at the main entrance to admit students at 7:50.
Car Rider Arrival:
-Car riders will be dropped off on the East Side of the building along N Chicago, where buses used to drop off.
-Cars should turn off of North St or proceed ahead from the intersection of North and N Chicago if traveling south on N Chicago.
-Cars must not block the intersection of N Chicago and North St.
-Cars will be directed not to turn and head north from Holloway onto N Chicago.
-Before 7:50, cars should avoid blocking entrances to staff parking lots or neighborhood driveways.
-After dropping off their student, cars should remain in line and not pass others to ensure student safety.
-Any car riders arriving after 8:10 must check in with the office at the front entrance. Students arriving after this time will be considered tardy to school.
Car Rider Dismissal:
-Car riders will be picked up on the East Side of the building along N Chicago, where buses used to pick up students.
-Cars should turn off of North St or proceed ahead from the intersection of North and N Chicago if traveling south on N Chicago.
-Cars must not block the intersection of N Chicago and North St.
-Cars will not be allowed to turn and head north from Holloway onto N Chicago during dismissal.
-Cars will line up five to six at a time along N Chicago outside of PreK and the East Entrance, with cones provided for guidance.
-Cars will be released in line order once all students are loaded. Cars should not pull out of line unless directed otherwise.
-The Parents’ Club VIP parking spot remains unaffected, and winners can pick up their students from the designated spot in front of the building.
Bus Rider Arrival:
-Buses will unload students in front of the school along Holloway.
-Five to six buses will unload as soon as they arrive, with additional buses pulling off of S Chicago onto -Holloway to load after the first set leaves.
-Students will enter and either proceed to their classroom or head to breakfast.
-Staff will be stationed at the main entrance to admit bus riders at 7:50.
-Bus Rider Dismissal:
-Buses will load students in front of the school along Holloway.
-Five to six buses will be loaded as soon as they arrive, with additional buses pulling off of S -Chicago onto Holloway to load after the first set leaves.
-Staff serving as bus line monitors will walk their line of students to the appropriate bus.
PreK Arrival and Dismissal:
-Cars will now park on the blacktop to the north of the PreK classroom.
-Parents should wait at cars with students until directed by Mrs. Thorlton to enter or leave.
New Arrival Map-
New Dismissal Map-
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 156 of our school year. Today is Monday April 29th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
On May 6th, BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes as well as the instructions for more specific changes.
Instructions for New Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Pancake & Sausage Bites
Strawberries in a Cup
Fun Fact
Did you know that the state insect is the Monarch butterfly? These butterflies a bright orange with black veins and black edging with white spots. The Monarch’s wingspan can be from a little over 3 inches to just under 5 inches long. Monarch caterpillar’s mainly eat milkweed leaves which create a toxin inside of it and giving it some protection from being eaten by predators.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Our 2nd grade students went on a field trip to Heron Park today! 🌿🪵🦆
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 155 of our school year. Today is Friday April 26th
There will not be mileage club today due to the forecast of rain starting around lunch time.
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
On May 6th, BHES will be implementing changes to our Bus Rider and Car Rider lines for both Arrival and Dismissal. Please refer to these maps for an overview of the changes. More detailed directions will be sent on Monday April 29th.
Arrival map
Dismissal map
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Blueberry Bread
Beef Stick
Chef Salad
Garlic Bread
Jonny Pop
Fun Fact
Did you know that the state fossil is the Tully Monster? The Tully Monster was a soft bodied animal that lived in the ocean over 300 million years ago. That’s right I said the ocean, which used to cover Illinois that many years in the past. The Tully Monster looked like a very small squid with a long nose like an elephant.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 154 of our school year. Today is Thursday April 25th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Glazed Donut Pull Apart
Colby Jack Cheese Cubes
Chicken Tender Wrap
Broccoli & Cheese
Orange Slices
Fun Fact
Did you that the state mineral is Fluorite? Fluorite was chosen as the state mineral by our General Assembly in 1965. Fluorite means to flow and this mineral gets its name because it melts so easily. Fluorite comes in many different colors that include dark purple, amethyst, light blue, light green, transparent yellow, and clear.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 153 of our school year. Today is Wednesday April 24th
We have an 11:30 dismissal today for School Improvement. Please make sure the office gets a note or a phone call if your student’s routine has any changes.
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Apple Frudel
Fun Fact
Did you that the state flower is the violet? Schoolchildren also selected this state symbol in 1908 and is also the state flower for New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. Not all violet flowers are purple, the flowers can also be yellow, white, blue-violet, lilac-purple, and even green.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
24-25 Dates to Remember has been Released!
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 151 of our school year. Today is Monday April 22nd
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Sausage, Egg, & Cheese English Muffin Sandwich
French Bread Boat
Green Beans
Fun Fact
Did you that today is Earth Day? Here are several facts about Earth. Earth is about 4.6 billion years old and 70% of its surface is covered in water. Earth is about 96 million miles from the sun and our days would only be about 6 hours long if we didn’t have the Moon. Earth is struck by lightning about 100 every second which means we have more than 8.6 million lightning strikes every day.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 150 of our school year. Today is Friday April 19th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
Kindergarten Pre-Registration is all this week. Please stop in the elementary office between 9:00 and 1:00 to get your incoming kindergartner signed up for next year!
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Assorted Muffins
String Cheese
Soft Taco w/ the Works
Chips & Salsa
Mixed Fruit
Sugar Cookie
Fun Fact
Did you that on the state grain for Illinois is corn? Surprisingly, even with all the corn we grow, it was not chosen until 2018. Illinois uses 54% of its farmland to grow corn and it helps to earn $19 billion dollars across the state each year.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.
Good morning
We are so excited to begin day 149 of our school year. Today is Thursday April 18th
This month for Character Counts we will be talking about and going over tips over Trustworthiness. Someone who is trustworthy tells the truth, is honest, does not lie, and does not make excuses for their behavior.
Kindergarten Pre-Registration is all this week. Please stop in the elementary office between 9:00 and 1:00 to get your incoming kindergartner signed up for next year!
Mr. Click will be serving donuts tomorrow morning at breakfast to our last round of Warm Fuzzy recipients from Kindergarten and First Grade.
Blue Devils Summer Basketball Camp - Open to all incoming 3rd-8th graders. Early bird registration due May 31st, 2024.
Information Flier /Registration Form / Waiver
We all at BHES are so happy to see everyone come to school each day. Myself and all the teachers care about you all and want to make every day as awesome as we can. We're here to help you have fun, to learn, and to grow. We're here to help you be safe, be healthy, and be happy.
Lunch link(
Breakfast for Next Morning
Assorted Pop-Tarts
Yogurt Cup
Chicken Patty on a Bun
Cooked Carrots
Chocolate Pudding
Fun Fact
Did you that on the state fish for Illinois is the Blue Gill? The bluegill was chosen by schoolchildren in 1986. A bluegill gets its name from the blue coloring that male fish have along their gills. Buegills can be found all over Illinois in lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, and ponds.
Check out our schedule of events for the year here BHES Calendar of Important Events
Our parents club is always looking for more participation. If you are interesting in learning more about what they do or about joining, please check out the following link.Parent’s Club link(
Reminder! If your student will not be attending school for the day, please make sure you call the office and let us know. Please call us by 9am each day your student is absent. (A ClassDojo message is not enough since those sometimes go unread until later in the day).
If your student will having any changes in their normal routine (leaving early, dismissal changes, etc.) please send a note to give to the teacher. This is an extremely important step to ensure we get out students where they need to be and to keep them safe.